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All About Mary


Prayer Intentions for June 2019

The Intention of the International Marian Research Institute

That the Queen of Martyrs intercedes for the grace to be faithful to Christ.


The Intention of Pope Francis

Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities
That Christian communities, especially those who are persecuted, feel that they are close to Christ and have their rights respected.




Chinese Resources About Mary

聖母與禮儀 – Mary and Liturgy
聖母與教義 – Mary and Doctrine
聖母與聖經 – Mary in Scripture
聖母與禱文 – Mary and Prayers
聖母與靈修 – Mary and Spiritualities
聖母朝聖地 – Marian Shrines
聖母與藝術 – Mary and the Arts
其他 – Others
個人信仰分享 – Personal Faith Sharing
常見問題 – Frequency Questions

聖母與禮儀 – Mary and Liturgy

耶穌基督的架上七言 (Lenten Meditation on the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross)
8月15日 聖母升天節 分享基督的光榮於高天---聖母升天 (Assumption of the Virgin Mary)
2014年7月26日 聖雅敬及聖安娜紀念 (Feast of Saint Anne, mother of Mary)
四旬期:有福的童貞瑪利亞,和好之母 (Mary, Mother of Reconciliation)
認識--聖灰禮儀 (The Meaning of Ash Wednesday)
教宗方濟各--2014年四旬期文告 (Lenten Message by Pope Francis, 2014)
12月12日 瓜達露貝聖母 (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
聖母是我們將臨期的典範 (Mary as Model for Advent)
我信聖而公教會,諸聖的相通 (Feast of All Saints)
7月26日 聖雅敬及聖安娜紀念 (Feast Day of Mary's Parents, Saints Joachim and Anne)
瑪利亞的父母是誰? (Who Are Mary’s Parents?)
7月16日 加爾默羅山聖母紀念日 (Our Lady of Mount Carmel)
基督聖體聖血節後週六 聖母無玷聖心紀念 (Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary)
2013年教宗方濟復活節文告 (2013 Easter Letter of Pope Francis)
救主慈悲主日 (Divine Mercy Sunday 2013 with Novena)
2013年教宗方濟聖週文告 (Message of Pope Francis for Holy Week 2013)
教宗本篤十六世 2013 年四旬期文告 (Message of Benedict XVI for Lent 2013)
丙年 第二主日 教會:基督的新娘(若二1~12 (Homily for the Wedding in Cana)
丙年 主顯節 為了......我們的得救,從天降下(瑪二1~12) (The Feast of Epiphany--January 6)
12月8日 聖母無原罪始胎節日 (The Feast of the Immaculate Conception--December 8)
聖母奉獻日 (The Presentation of Mary)
11月1日 諸 聖 節 (All Saints Day)
聖母的痛苦 (The Sorrows of Mary)
關於瑪利亞的母后身份 (The Queenship of Mary)
8月15日 聖母升天節 (The Assumption of Mary)
教宗本篤十六世 宗座手諭 (Porta Fidei: the Apostolic Letter of Benedict XVI for the Year of Faith)
各地公教團體在福傳、靈修和大聖若瑟慶典中迎接聖母月 (Welcoming the Month of Mary in China)
聖母領報與耶穌復活 (The Annunciation of Mary and the Resurrection of Jesus)
聖母在祈禱中 (On the Praying Presence of Mary by Benedict XVI)
復活期:萬福瑪利亞和上主的復活 (Easter Time: Marian Masses Collection)
復活節期的祈禱 作者:伯。柏比,聖母會神父 (Prayers for Easter Season)
我們如何慶祝「逾越節三日慶典」 (Holy Thursday)
救主受難紀念 (Holy Friday)
復活節夜間慶典 (Holy Saturday)
聖若瑟 主保瞻禮 3月19日 (Feast Day of Saint Joseph)
童貞榮福瑪利亞彌撒集(四旬期) (Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary--Lent Season)
二○一二年教宗四旬期文告 (Message of Benedict XVI for Lent 2012)
耶穌的死亡 (Spirituality of Lent: Stations of the Cross)
露德聖母瞻禮日 (Liturgy for Our Lady of Lourdes)
新春的禮讚——台灣版的春節感恩禮 (Liturgy for Chinese New Year 2012)
聖家節(乙年):因信德而生活的家庭 (Holy Family Feast Day)
甲年 天主之母節(路二16~21)(Mother of God Feast Day)
乙年 將臨期第四主日(Marian Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent)
乙年 將臨期第一主日 (Three Advents in Our Life)
8月15日 聖母升天節 (The Feast of the Assumption of Mary and Its Liturgical History)
聖神降臨的恩典 (Personal Experience of the Holy Spirit)
2011年5月31日 聖母訪親 (Reflection on the Feast of the Visitation of Mary to Her Cousin, Elizabeth)
主日福音釋義----甲年復活主日 (The Meaning of the First Easter)
甲年 天主之母節(路二16~21)張春申神父 著 (Mary, Mother of God)
聖母無原罪始胎節日 本節日簡史 (The History of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary)
將臨期的慶祝 將臨圈(環)(Celebrate Advent I: The Advent Wreath)
將臨期主日燭光禮 (Celebrate Advent II: Liturgy and Prayers)
2015年世界和平日文告 (New Year's Letter for Peace, 2015 by Pope Francis)
聖母,我們將臨期的模範 (Mary and Advent) 
「聖母瑪利亞教會之母紀念日」列入《羅馬禮禮儀日曆》日期為聖神降臨節 (Mary, Mother of the Church in the Catholic Liturgical Calendar)
新的聖母紀念日從今年開始 教會之母榮福童貞瑪利亞紀念日 (Mary, Mother of the Church Memorial Day Starts this Year, 2018)

聖母與教義 – Mary and Doctrine

教宗方濟各與聖母 (Pope Francis and Mary)
我信聖而公教會,諸聖的相通 (Brief Explanation of the Communion of Saints [Credo])
全面認識聖母的相關原則 (Principles Regarding a Comprehensive View of Mary)
基督和聖母之間的類似 (Jesus-Mary Analogies)
幾個現代聖母學的研究方法 (Post Vatican II Mariology)
從梵二到今日的聖母學 – 瑪利亞與女性 (Post Vatican II Mariology and Women)
信德的婦女及活在聖言中的婦女 (Mary, Woman of Faith and Woman of the Word of God)
聖若瑟 3月19日 (Feast Day of Saint Joseph)
聖母瑪利亞與世界和平的關聯 (Mary and World Peace)
我們的名字和聖者 (Our Names and the Saints)
瑪利亞,我們救世主的母親 (Mary, Mother of the Redeemer)
甜蜜聆聽:聖言與聖母瑪利亞 (Mary, Attentive Listener of the Word of God)
聖母瑪利亞有普世心靈之母的職分 (Mary Has a Universal Spiritual Motherhood)
我的靈魂頌揚上主我的救主(路 1:46) (My Soul finds Joy in God My Savior--Lk 1:46)
聖母無染原罪信理帶給我們的喜樂 (The Feast of the Immaculate Conception and Joy)

聖母與聖經 – Mary in Scripture

新約中的聖母:加里助亞的瑪利亞--The Translation of Father Buby's Book in Chinese
默想聖經中的聖母 – Father Buby's Meditation 1
柏。伯比神父對路加福音的默想 – Father Buby's Meditation 2
預報救主降生紀念日 – Father Buby's Meditation 3
石柱聖母—聖母會瞻禮的根基 – Father Buby's Meditation 4
紀念玫瑰聖母節 – Father Buby's Meditation 5
信徒 參讀經文:米 7:14-15, 18-20 詠 85:2-4,5-6,7-8 瑪 12:46-50 – Father Buby's Meditation 6
信德年 迦:3:7-14 詠111:1-2,3-4,5-6 路11:15-26 – Father Buby's Meditation 7
聖經:讀經集466,迦拉達書3:22-29,聖詠集105:2-3,4-5.6-7,路加11:27-28 – Father Buby's Meditation 8
聖母七苦瞻禮 – Father Buby's Meditation 9
聖母淨配聖若瑟 – Father Buby's Meditation 10
聖母七苦瞻禮 – Father Buby's Meditation 11
我們就是教會 – Father Buby's Meditation 12
信徒和耶穌基督之母 – Father Buby's Meditation 13
聖母瑪利亞成就天主的旨意 – Father Buby's Meditation 14
聖母和福音的喜樂 – Father Buby's Meditation 15
玫瑰經 – Rosary

其他 - Others

聖經 與 聖母 (Mary in the Bible)
福音中的瑪利亞 (Mary, the Gospel, and Evangelization)
千面觀音 萬愛聖母 Thousand faces of Kuan-In (Guanin), Millions Filial Piety for Mother Mary by Father Mark Fang, S.J.
聖母升天的畫像 (Assumption of Mary in Images)

聖母與禱文 – Mary and Prayers

露德聖母禱文 (Litany of Our Lady of Lourdes)
聖家禱文 教宗方濟 (Prayer to the Holy Family Composed by Pope Francis for 2014)
教宗在藍佩杜薩的聖母禱文 (Marian Prayer at Lampedusa)
向佘山聖母誦 教宗本篤十六世親撰 (World Prayer for the Church in China - 5/24/2013)
露德聖母祈禱文 (Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes)
關於玫瑰經 (What About the Rosary?)
三點鐘禱文 (Three O'clock Prayer)
為聖母宗徒使命忠心效力的禱文 (Prayer of Dedication to Mary's Apostolic Mission)
聖母與玫瑰經 (The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary)
向佘山聖母誦: 教宗本篤十六世親撰 (Marian Prayer Composed by Pope Benedict XVI for China - 5/24/2011)

聖母與靈修 – Mary and Spiritualities

鬆解死結的基督和聖母 (Untying the Knots by Jesus and Mary)
稱我為母親 (Call Me Mother)
認識--聖灰禮儀 (The Meaning of Ash Wednesday)
教宗方濟各--2014年四旬期文告 (Lenten Message by Pope Francis,2014)
信德的婦女及活在聖言中的婦女 (Mary, Woman of Faith and Woman of the Word of God)
從天主教教理中探討信德 -- 瑪利亞的信德 (The Faith of Mary According to the Catholic Catechism)
露德聖母的朝聖者可走上純潔和天真的靈修道路 (A Spirituality of Purity and Innocence for the Pilgrims to Our Lady of Lourdes)
玫瑰經奧蹟默想 (Meditating on the Mysteries of the Rosary)
聖道明與玫瑰經 (Saint Dominic and the Rosary)
奉獻於無玷聖母的禮儀 (Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Mary by M. Kolbe)
今日耶穌所愛的門徒 (The Beloved Disciples of Jesus Today)
夏明納紀念年有關夏明納聖母會靈修精神的省思 (Blessed Chaminade and Marian Spirituality)
沈默聖母 (Our Lady of Silence)
瑪利亞,妳是天主聖三的摯愛 (Mary, Beloved of the Trinity)
與狄總主教談孝愛聖母 (Former Archbishop Tikang of Taipei Talks About His Marian devotion)
家庭之后 (Mary, Queen of Families)
聖母瑪利亞的賢德 (Mary, a Woman of Virtues)
從基督徒的觀點看:聖母瑪利亞和中國哲學中的悅樂精神 (Mary and Joy in Chinese Philosophy)
體驗聖母, 為何她能感動人心? (Mary and Christian Life)
教宗通諭《願禰受讚頌》中的聖母 (Reflection on Mary and the Laudato Si)
聖母謝主曲 獻身生活年 (Mary's Magnificat in the Year of Consectrated Life)
慈悲喜年圣母玛利亚的角色- 蔡爱美修女 (The Place of the Virgin Mary in the Jubilee Year of Mercy)
板寺山朝圣随感- 吴小青 (A Personal Reflection / Encounter of God’s Mercy)
朝圣之旅中被慈悲的主的一份碰触 (Lord, Hold My Hands and Lead Me)
向現代世界福傳的門徒 (With Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to Proclaim the Joy of the Gospel to the World)
法蒂瑪聖母之心-蔡愛美(二修)(The Centennial of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima: Mary's Heart Is Merciful and Pure)
聖母瑪利亞在福傳中的地位 (The Role of Mary in Some Missionary Congregations)
尋找希望的瑪利亞 (In Time of Crisis, Mary is a Seeker and Sharer of Hope)

聖母朝聖地 – Marian Shrines

中國 (China)
Queen of Peace和平之後 聖母在瑪裕歌耶顯現的呼籲 (Our Lady of Peace at Medugorje, a pilgimage of faith)
陝西愛之家青年志願者服務聖母山 The services of the youth in China Marian Shrines
瓜達露貝聖母 (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
法蒂瑪聖母 (Our Lady of Fatima)
聖母謝主曲 獻身生活年

聖母與藝術 – Mary and the Arts

王端敏老師 – Wang Duan Min
劉河北教授 – Monica Liu
陸鴻年 – Lu Houng Nien
我主聖傳圖 — The Life of Christ
沈禎教授 — Shen Zhen
其他作品 – Other Artists

其他 – Others

教宗方濟各2014年世界和平日文告 (2014 Message of Peace of Pope Francis)
2013年世界傳教節文告 (Message of Pope Francis for Mission Sunday 2013)
中國有多少天主教徒 ? (Statistics about Catholics in China)
聖母瑪利亞的奉獻祈禱 (Marian Day Prayer of Pope Francis--October 12, 2013)
好消息 (Good News from Pope Francis!)
教宗方濟各2013年懇求和平禱文 (Plea for Peace from Pope Francis 2013)
瑪利亞和2013世界青年日:阿帕雷西達的聖母(7月23日-7月28日) (Our Lady of Aparecida and World Youth Day 2013)
天主教會台灣地區主教團秘書處 (Message to World Youth Day 2013 by Pope Francis)
教宗本篤十六世 第二十一屆世界病患日文告 (Letter of Pope Benedict XVI For the Sick 2013)
教宗本篤十六世 2013年世界和平日文告 (World Peace Proclamation by Pope Benedict XVI for 2013)
聖經靈修 林思川神父的讀經分享 <05> 瑪利亞 ─ 新約的約櫃 (Mary, Gate to the New Testament)
教宗本篤十六世 宗座手諭 《信德之門》 欽定「信德年」開幕 (Pope Benedict XVI on the Year of Faith)
文/劉其祥神父 圖/中華方濟省會院提供 (Beatification of Father Gabrielle Maria Allegra)
教宗回憶梵二公會中有關聖母的辯論 (Pope Benedict XVI on Mary at Vatican II)
「聖母論亞洲-大洋洲學會」出席第23屆聖母論國際代表大會紀事 (AOMC presence at 23rd PAMI)
從合一的角度看聖母 (Mary in the Ecumenical Perspective)
聖座新聞室公布教宗本篤十六世爲明年2012年元旦第45届世界和平日發表的文告(Exhortation for Peace Composed by Pope Benedict XVI for 2012)
聖母瑪利亞與世界和平的關聯 (Mary and World Peace)
2011 年世界青年節教宗文告 (Message to the World Youth Day 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI)
教宗本篤十六世 第十九屆世界病患日文告 (Prayer for the Sick by Benedict XVI - 1/5/2012)
2010 教宗發表聖誕節文告 (The Urbi et Orbi Address of Benedict XVI for Christmas 2010)

個人信仰分享 – Personal Faith Sharing

信仰光點---房志榮神父 Flicker of Light for Faith and Culture (Chinese) by Father Mark Fang, S.J.

若望廿三 好爸爸乎 聖爸爸也 (A Tribute to Pope John XXIII, A Good Father)
民間神學 人間聖言--聖母媽媽 天父爸爸 耶穌哥哥 (Mary, Our Mother. God, Our Father. Jesus, Our Brother.)
民間神學 人間聖言--民歌傳情 我要上山朝拜聖母 (I Will Climb Up to the Mountain and Venerate the BI.V.Mary. [a hymn])
民間神學 人間聖言--天主的時間  (In His Time [a hymn])
民間神學 人間聖言--拉丁文聖體歌 中文翻譯 信達雅加固  (Hymn of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament [from Latin to Chinese])
民間神學 人間聖言--基督十字架 合縱三天德 連橫四倫理 (At the Foot of the Cross [Three Theological Virtues and Four Ethics])
民間神學 人間聖言--明德性善 至善真神 (Quotations from the Four Books)
聖母瑪利亞 全然敬主心 萬般慈母情 (Blessed Virgin Mary, All Given by Father Mark Fang, S.J.)
省悟耶穌架上七言 (Gospel Commentary on John 19:25-27)
民間神學 人間聖言--童貞瑪利亞 發言表心聲 (Words Coming from Mary's Heart [Annunciation scene])
賴筱欽 – Maria Worthy

天主教信德的盛會--Historical Event in the Catholic Church

兩位教宗宣聖大典新聞發布 (April 27, 2014 Canonization of Two Popes)
兩位教宗 肝膽相照 情義相挺 (John XXIII , A Saint filled with Holy Spirit. John Paul II, A Marian Pope)

其他 - Others

第一屆亞洲與大洋洲聖母學會議:聖母如何用交談來福傳? (A Marian Reflection by Mark Fang, S.J.)
讚美詩 (Mary and the Magnificat, Personal Prayers of Women Religious in China)

常見問題 – Frequency Questions

天主教徒為何向聖母 瑪利亞 祈禱? (Why do Catholics pray to Mary?)
何謂 "諸聖相通功", 聖母在其中的地位如何 (Mary in the Communion of Saints)
聖母經 (Hail Mary)
為什麼要唸玫瑰經 (Why Pray the Hail Mary?)
瑪利亞--”天主之母”? (What is the meaning of Mary's title: Theotokos?)
諸聖相通 源自:天主教要理問答 (The Communion of Saints in the Catechism of the Catholic Church)
瑪利亞----悲傷之母: 安慰和希望的奧跡作者: 路易嘉路擇錄,簡化 (Mary, Mother of Sorrows: Mystery of Comfort and Hope)
聖經怎樣解說瑪利亞的生平 ? (Who is Mary?)
玫瑰月的由來 (The Origin of Reciting the Rosary in October)
玫瑰經的進展 (A Brief History of the Holy Rosary)
福傳玫瑰經是什麼?(What is the Mission Rosary?)
若瑟是個什麼樣的人? (What About Saint Joseph?)