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Servizio Missionario Giovani

SERMIG (Servizio Missionario Giovani)

Biographical Information

Founder: Ernesto Olivero

Foundation: Founded by Olivero with his wife and some young people at the Turin Missionary Diocesan Office in 1964.

Ecclesial Recognition:

Membership: Present in 3 countries: Italy, Brazil and Jordan.

Membership: 52 full members and 176 associate members
- male/female
- lay only


Lay/Religious: lay

Individual/Community: The basic unit is the Fraternity, structured into small communities if men and women, married and single.

Commitment/Vows: Some members make an unconditional pledge according to a "rule" or "proposal of life" inspired by Mary's fiat, living fraternity and celibacy.

Purpose and Activities

Overall Purpose: To help the poor and provide education for young people in the values of solidarity, justice and peace, giving particular attention to early childhood and to abandoned youths.

Apostolic commitments: The Arsenal of Peace and House of Hope in Turin; Arsenal of Hope in São Paulo Brazil; the Arsenal of Encounter in Amman, Jordan; promotion of development of emergency relief services in Italy ; night shelters; residential homes for persons in difficulty; medical centers; education work for young people such as the Sound Laboratory and the School for Restorers.

Marian Characteristics

Major Inspirations: Mary's fiat; the spiritual legacy of St. Francis.

General Marian Characteristics: Commitment to the poor; unconditional giving of self.

Spiritual\Devotional Exercises: Meeting with God through prayer; dialogue with His Word.

Pastoral/Apostolic Endeavors: "giving Back" to poor brethren one's surplus time, professionalism, cultural. Material and spiritual goods.


Directory of International Associations of the Faithful, Pontifical Council for the Laity, available at:

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