Queen of Purgatory
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Queen of Purgatory
– Gloria Falcão Dodd, Oct. 28, 2013
For the Year of Faith starting on October 11, 2012, and ending on Nov. 24, 2013, Benedict XVI asked all Catholics to study their faith and to share it with others. For those who know much about Our Lady, perhaps Mary’s title as “Queen of Purgatory” could provide a novel aspect of Mary’s Queenship. This unusual title is presented as a quote in the section about praying for deceased members in The Official Handbook of the Legion of Mary:
"Purgatory forms part of the realm of Mary. There, too, are her children, who in a passing spell of pain await their birth to the glory which will never pass. St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Bernardine of Sienna, Louis de Blois, as well as others, explicitly proclaim Mary to be Queen of Purgatory; and St. Louis-Marie de Montfort urges us to think and act in accordance with that belief. He wishes us to place in Mary's hands the value of our prayers and satisfactions. He promises us that, in return for this offering, those souls which are dear to us will be more abundantly relieved than if we were to apply our prayers to them directly." (Lhoumeau: La Vie Spirituelle a l'Ecole de St. Louis-Marie de Montfort)1