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Novels about Mary

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Novels about Mary

The 'Life of Mary' as Told by Contemporary Novelists

1. Novels retelling the story of Mary within the revealed framework

Berg, Elizabeth, The Handmaid and the Carpenter (New York: Random House, 2006), 8-9.

George, Margaret, Mary Called Magdalene (New York: Penguin Books, 2002), 525-6.

Moore, Christopher, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal (New York: Harper Paperbacks, 2003), 442.

Rice, Anne, Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt (New York - Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005), 49-51.

---, Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana (New York - Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008), 232-3.

Rivers, Francine, Unafraid (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2001), 73-5.

Thoene, Bodie and Brock, Fourth Dawn (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2005), 81.

2. Novels retelling the story of Mary beyond the revealed framework

Berry, Steve, The Third Secret (New York: Ballantine Books, 2006), 334-6.

Macfarlane, Bud, Pierced by a Sword (Cleveland: Saint Jude Media, 1995), 159-60.

McInerny, Ralph, The Third Revelation (New York: Jove Books, 2009), 442.

Murphy, Mary Elizabeth, Virgin (New York - Toronto: Berkley Books, 1996), 334-5.

Schoemperlen, Diane, Our Lady of the Lost and Found (New York: Viking, 2006), 30-31.

3. Novels retelling the story of Mary by breaking the revealed framework

Cook, Robin, Intervention (New York: Putnam Adult, 2009).

Halter, Marek, Mary of Nazareth: A Novel (New York: Crown Publishers, 2008), 255.

Ricci, Nino, Testament (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2003), 227-8.


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