Music in Hymnals
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Music in Hymnals
Marian Music by Hymnals and Sources
Sources and Key
The following is a compilation of Marian hymns from major Protestant and Catholic hymnals. Indicated next to the titles is the season or other special designation as shown in the key below.
Sources: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant. Traditional, Contemporary, Original.
Based on: Scripture, Liturgy, Patristics, Contemporary Spirituality.
Categories: chant, traditional, contemporary, ecumenical, art songs.
Coding Key: A = Advent / C = Christmas / L = Lent / E = Easter M = Magnificat / LT = Litany / G = General
The United Methodist Hymnal
Hymns, Psalms, & Spiritual Songs
Lutheran Book of Worship
Hymnal Supplement
Hymnbook 1982
The Baptist Hymnal
Psalter Hymnal
Hymnal: A Book of Worship
Sing His Praise
Worship III
Lead Me, Guide Me
The Summit Choir Book
American Catholic Hymnbook
Hymnal of the Hours
The Collegeville Hymnal
The New Saint Basil Hymnal
Peoples Mass Book
Glory & Praise
Gather II
The New Hymnal for Colleges and Schools
Liber Usualis
Flor y Canto
The Marianist Hymnal
Breaking Bread
Book of United Methodist
Nashville, TN: The UM Pub., Hse, 1989.
#197: Ye Who Claim the Faith of Jesus - G
#198: My Soul Gives Glory to My God - M
#199: Canticle of Mary - M
#200: Tell Out, My Soul - M
#214: Savior of the Nations, Come - A
#215: To a Maid Engaged to Joseph - A
#216: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - A
#219: What Child Is This - C
#235: Rock-a-Bye, My Dear Little Boy - C
#241: That Boy-Child of Mary - C
#250: Once in Royal David's City - C
#272: Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly - G
#276: The First One Ever - G
Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990.
#16: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came - A
#19: To a Maid Engaged to Joseph - A
#27: Gentle Mary Laid Her Child - C
#30: Born in the Night, Mary's Child - C
#45: A La Ru: O Sleep, Dear Holy Baby - C
#48: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - A
#49: Once in Royal David's City - C
#53: What Child is This - C
#55: That Boy-Child of Mary - C
#600: Song of Mary - M
Minneapolis: Augsburg Pub. Hse., 1987.
P147: Magnificat - M
#6: My Soul Proclaims the Greatness of the Lord - M
#40: What Child Is This - C
#58: Lo, How a Rose Is Growing - A
#83: From God the Father, Virgin-Born - G
#110: At the Cross, Her Station Keeping- L
#180: My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord - M
CIA Pub.., 1991.
#730: Once in Royal David's City - C
#756: Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly - G
#:818: Tell Out My Soul - M
HYMNBOOK 1982 (Episcopal Hymnal)
New York: The Church Hymnal Corp., 1985.
# 81: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - A
#102: Once in Royal David's City - C
#110: The Snow Lay on the Ground - C
#113: Oh, Sleep Now, Holy Baby - C
#115: What Child Is This - C
#159: At the Cross Her Vigil Keeping - L
#258: Virgin-Born, We Bow Before Thee - G
#263: The Word Whom Earth and Sea and Sky - G
#264: The Word Whom Earth and Sea and Sky - G
#265: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came - G
#266: Nova, nova, Ave fit ex Eva - G
#268: You Who Claim the Faith of Jesus - G
#269: You Who Claim the Faith of Jesus - G
#277: Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly - G
#278: Sing We of the Blessed Mother - G
#437: Tell Out My Soul - M
#438: Tell Out My Soul - M
S242: The Song of Mary - M
S243-247: The Song of Mary. (5 settings) - M
Nashville: Convention Press, 1991, 8th Printing.
# 78: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - A
# 81: Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatnes. - M
#101: Gentle Mary Laid Her Child - C
#11.0: That Boy-Child of Mary - C
#118: What Child Is This - C
PSALTER HYMNAL (Christian Reformed Church)
Grand Rapids: CRC Pub., 1988.
#212: Song of Mary - M
#342: Of the Father's Love Begotten
#346: Once in Royal David's City - C
#351: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - A
#352: That Boy-Child of Mary - C
#478: Tell Out, My Soul - M
#622: Magnify the Lord - M
HYMNAL: A BOOK OF WORSHIP (Brethren & Mennonite Churches)
Elgin, IL: Brethren Press, 1992.
#180: The Angel Gabriel - A
#181: My Soul Proclaims with Wonder - M
#202: The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy - C
#211: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - A
#215: What Child Is This - C
#245: At the Cross, Her Vigil Keeping - L
#492: God of Eve and God of Mary - G
SING HIS PRAISE (Assemblies of God).
Springfield, MO: Gospel Pub. Hse, 1991.
#423: What Child Is This - C
#428: Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming - A
Chicago,IL: GIA, 1986.
#403: Virgin-born, We Bow Before You - G
#404: Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly - G
#405: The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky - G
#421: At the Cross Her Station Keeping - L
#443: O Queen of Heaven/Regina Caeli - E
#450: Be Joyful, Mary - E
#534: Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord - M
#553: Magnificat - M
#695: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came - A
#696: Praise We the Lord This Day - G
#702: Hail, Holy Queen - G
#703: Hail, Queen of Heaven/Salve Regina - C
#708: Immaculate Mary - G
#711: Mary, How Lovely the Light of Your Glory - G
#712: O Sanctissima - G
#713: Ave Maria - A
#714: Sing We of the Blessed Mother - G
Chicago, IL: GIA, 1987.
#49: At the Cross Her Station Keeping - L
#95: Ave Maria - A
#96: Salve Regina/Hail, Queen of Heaven - G
#97: Hail Holy Queen, Enthroned Above - G
#98: Salamu Maria/Hail Mary - G
#99: Immaculate Mary - G
#100: Sing of Mary - G
#101: O Sanctissima - G
Summit, NJ: The Dominican Nuns, Our Lady of the Rosary, 1983.
#209: Ave, Maris Stella - G
#210: Hail, 0 Star of Ocean - G
#211: The Sovereign God Whose Hands Sustain - G
#212: O Lady, Crowned with Glory Bright - G
#213: O Quam Glorifica - G
#214: O What Light and Glory Deck Thee - G
#215: Mary, How Lovely the Light of Your Glory - G
#216: To You Do We Come Seeking Mercy - G
#217: 0 Radiant Joy of All the Powers Above - G
#218: Maiden, Yet a Mother - G
#219: Of One That Is So Fair and Bright - G
#220: Virgin Great and Glorious - G
#221: Ye Who Own the Faith of Jesus - G
#222: All Creation Rejoices In You - G
#223: For Mary, Mother of Our Lord - G
#224: Under Your Protection, O Mother of God - G
#225: Mary the Dawn - LT
#275: Virgin Born, We Bow Before Thee - G
#276: Blessed Be the Maid Mary - G
#282: Ave, Mary, Full of Grace - G
#283: Faithful People - G
#284: O Virgo Maria, Dei Plena Gratia - G
#286: When Mary Brought Her Treasur. - G
#288: O Virgin Mother of Our God - G
#298: Gabriel, to Mary Sent - G
#299: Angelus ad Virginem - G
#300: I Sing of a Maiden - G
#301: Hail, Thou Star of Morning - G
#313: Maria Walks Amid the Thorn - G
#314: To the Hill Country of Judah - A
#315: Portal of the World's Salvation - A
#316: I Exult for Joy in the Lord - M
#317: All-Spotless Heart - G
#318: O Heart of Mary - G
#343: O Blest of God - G
#344: Who Is She Ascends so High - G
#345: O'er All Creation's Realm You Reign - G
#347: O Maria, O Star of Morning - G
#348: Hail, O Queen of Heav'n Enthroned - G
#352: Dawn-Star of the World's Redemption - G
#353: Mary, Thou Art Fairest - G
#358: At the Cross Her Station Keeping - L
#371: The Gladness of Thy Motherhood - G
#373: Sing of Mary - G
#386: Stella Matutina - G
#387: Ocean Star, I Hail Thee - G
#394: Hail, Mary Pearl of Grace - G
#395: Holy Light on Earth's Horizo. - G
#396: O Mary, Conceived in the Grace of Your Son - G
#397: There Is No Rose of Such Virtue - G
#398: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - A
S. Holland, IL: American Catholic Press, 1992.
#114. An Angel Came to Nazareth - A
#119: At the Cross - L
#196: Hail, Holy Queen - G
#230: Immaculate Mary - G
#263: Magnificat - M
#264: Mary, Filled with Grace - G
#289: O Most Holy One/O Sanctissima - G
#303: Praise God for Mary/Serdeczna Matko - G
#338: Sing of Mary - G
Chicago, IL: GIA, 1989.
# 29: Behold a Virgin Bearing Him - G
# 48: Behold a Mystical Rose -G
# 39: From East to West, from Shore to Shore - G
# 49: Virgin-Born, We Bow Before Thee - G
#294: Blessed Virgin Mother - G
#295: Hear Our Prayer, O Gentle Mother - G
#296: Mary, Powerful, Sinless Woman - G
#297: Mary, Crowned with Living Light - G
#298: Star of Sea and Ocean - G
Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1990.
#311: A Litany to Our Lady - LT
#321: All Who Keep the Faith of Jesus - G
#325: Alma Redemptoris Mater - A
#335: At the Cross - L
#326: Ave, Maria - A
#310: Ave, Mary Full of Grace - G
#327: Ave Regina Caelorum - L
#328: Be Joyful, Mary - E
#236: Careworn Mother Stood Attending - L
#313: Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary - G
#314: Hail, Blessed Virgin Full of Grace - G
#312: Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above - G
#320: Hail, Our Queen and Mother Blest - G
#315: Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star - G
#337: Hail, Redeemer, King Most Blest - G
#330: Holy Light - G
#424: Hymn to the Sorrowful Mother - L
#316: Immaculate Mary - G
#434: Magnificat - M
#329: Mary the Dawn - LT
#332: O Mary of Graces - G
#317: O Mary Our Mother - G
#318: O Most Holy One/O Sanctissima - G
#319: Remember, Holy Mary - G
#331: Salve Regina - G
#323: Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly - G
#333: Stainless the Maiden - G
#334: The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky - G
#322: Who Is She Ascends So High - G
Chicago, IL: GIA, 1988.
# 14: Canticle of Mary/My Soul Gives Glory - M
#258: From My Mother's Womb - G
#326: All Who Claim the Faith of Jesus - G
#327: I Sing a Maid - G
Toronto: The Basilian Press, 1958.
#33: Stabat Mater - L
#34: At the Cross Her Station Keeping - L
#37: O Come and Mourn with Me - L
#47: Regina Caeli, Laetare - E
#48: Regina Caeli, Jubila - E
#49: Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen - E
#123: Ave Maria - A
#124: O Gloriosa Virginum - G
#125: Salve, Mater - G
#126: O Sanctissima/O Most Holy One - G
#127: Ave, Maris Stella - G
#128: Ave, Maris Stella - G
#129: Ocean Star, We Greet You - G
#130: Magnificat Anima Mea - M
#131: My Soul Magnifies the Lord - M
#132: Daily, Daily Sing to Mary - G
#133: Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star - G
#134: Holy Queen, We Come Before Thee - G
#135: O Mother Blest - G
#136: O Purest of Creatures - G
#137: The Lord Whom Earth and Star. - G
#138: The Five Lesser Joys of Mary - G
#139: Thou That Art So Fair and Bright - G
#140: Alma Redemptoris Mater - A
#141: Ave, Regina Caelorum - L
#142: Salve, Regina - G
#143: All of Seeing, All of Hearing - G
#144: Immaculate Mary - G
#145: Hail, Mary, Full of Grace - A
#146: In This Your Month, Creation's Queen - G
#147: Queen, When the World Was First Hurled into Space - G
#148: Maria, Mater Gratiae - G
#149: Mary Immaculate, Mother and Maid - G
#150: Lady of the Visitation - A
#151: Concordi Laetiti. - G
#152: Sounds of Joy Have Put to Flight - G
#153: Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above - G
#154: O Heart of Mary, Pure and Fair - G
#155: I'll Sing a Hymn to Mary - G
#156: Ave, Regina Sacratissimi Rosarii/Glorious Mary - G
#157: O Queen of the Holy Rosary - G
#158: What Mortal Tongue Can Sing Your Praise - G
#159: O Queen of Peerless Majesty - G
#160: O Virgin All Lovely - G
#161: Now the World Is Saved from Darkness - G
#162: Because You Live again, O Rose - G
Schiller Park, IL: WLSM, 1984
# 8: Behold a Virgin Bearing Him - A
# 13: Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming - A
# 28: What Child Is This - C
# 55:At the Cross Her Station Keeping - L
# 67: O Queen of Heaven/Regina Caeli - E
# 72: One in Joyful Songs of Praise - E
# 77: Be, Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen - E
#171: Hail, Blessed Lady/Salve Regina - G
#172: Immaculate Mary - G
#173: Hail, Maiden Mary/Ave, Maria - A
#174: Mary the Dawn - LT
#175: Star upon the Ocean - G
#176: Hail, Queen of Heaven - G
#177: Holy Mary, Now We Crown You - G
#178: She Will Show Us the Promised One - G
#179: O Mary, of All Women - C
#180: Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above - G
#181: Virgin, Full of Grace/O Sanctissima - G
#182: Sing to Mary, Mother Most Merciful - G
#184: Sing of Mary - G
#762: Mary's Song of Praise - G
Phoenix: NALR, 1987.
# 71: Faithful Love - G
# 86: Hail, Holy Queen - G
# 87: Hail Mary: Gentle Woman - G
#159: Mary's Song - M
#165: My Soul Magnifies the Lord - M
#166: My Soul Rejoices - M
#222: Sing of Mary - G
#224: Sing Out My Soul - M
Oregon catholic press, 1994
166: See How the Virgin Waits (Slovakian folk)
175: Magnificat - Christopher Walker (round (1985)
231: Mary's Joy - Christopher Uehlein, OSB (children's song) (1974)
499: O Holy Mary - Owen Alstott (1985)
502: My Soul Rejoices - Owen Alstott (1991)
600: Mary's Song - M. Rieth (1977)
640: Magnificat - Peter Jones (1990)
886: Ave Maria - Gregory Norbet (1994)
GATHER II new pieces only.
GIA, 1994
565: Ave Maria - Dan Kantor (1993)
566: There Is Nothing Told - Christopher Willcock - (1988)
563: Magnificat - David Haas (1990)
Yale U.
305: Sing We of the Blessed Mother
306: Sing of Mary
445: There Was a Maid in Nazareth
232: What Child Is This
234: Her Baby, Newly Breathing
235: Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
238: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came
297: The First One Ever, 0 Ever to Know
Tournai, Belgium: Desclee & Co., 1950.
273: Alma Redemptoris Mater
274: Ave Regina caelorum
275: Regina Caeli
276: Salve Regina
277: Alma Redemptoris Mater
278: Ave Regina Caelorum
278: Regina Caeli
279: Salve Regina
1258: Ave Maris Stella
1261: Ave Maris Stella
1262: Ave Maris Stella
1266: Gaude Maria Virgo
1268: Ave Maria
1268: Beata Viscera Mariae Virginis
1271: Felix Namque Es, Sacra Virgo Maria
1272: Beata Es, Virgo Maria
1314: O Gloriosa Virginum
1317: Benedicta Est Jud, Virgo Maria
1381: Tota Pulchra Es, Maria
1318: Ave Maria
1319: Gloriosa
1367: Hodie Beata Virgo Maria
1378: Tu Gloria Jerusalem
1379: Ave Gratia Plena
1382: Omnis Expertem Maculae Mariam
1383: Hodie Gloriosa Caeli Regina
1601: Gaudeamus
1604: Assumpta Est Maria
1612: Magnificat
1612: Dixit Jesus Matri Suae
1623: Gloriosae Virgin Mariae
1627: Nativitas Tua
1633: Stabant Juxta Crucem
1633: Dolorsa et Lacrimabilis Es
1634: Stabat Sancata Maria
1634: Stabat Mater
1637: Recordare
1672: Caelestis Aulae Nuntius
1680: Te Gestientem Gaudiis
1681: Beata Mater
1857: Litany of Loreto
1859: Litany of Loreto
1861: Sub Tuum Praesidium
1861: Ave Maria
1861: Inviolata
l862: Virgo Arens Christi
1863: Maria Mater Gratiae
1863: Monstra Te Esse Matrem
1864: Ave Regina Caelorum
1864: O Quam Glorifica
1865: Virgo Dei Genitrix
1874: Stabat Mater
app8: Recordare, Virgo Mater
app9: Valde Mirabilis
Portland: OCP Pub., 1989
195: Ave Maria
196: Que Te Alaben, Senor
197: Beunos Dias, Paloma Blanca
198: Bienaventurada Eres, Virgen Maria
199: Pues Concebida
200: Salve
201: Maria, Madre del Senor
202: Madre Morena
203: Como Estrella en Claro Cielo
204: A Ti, Madre
205: Ave Luz Mananera
206: Bendita Tu Eres
207: Del Cielo Vino
208: En El Trabizjo
209: Mananitas a La Virgen De Guadalupe
210: Ave Maria
211: Canto de Maria
212: Humil de Nazarena
213: Canto de Maria
214: Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe
215: Las Apariciones Guadalupanas
216: Reina del Cielo
217: Dios Te Salve, Maria
218: Oh, Virgen Sin Mancha
219: Madre, Oyeme
220: Gloria a Ti, Senor
221: El Angelus
222: Con Guitarras Y Trompetas
223: Madre de Los Pobres
224: Adios, Reina del Cielo
225: Virgencita, Benedice Estos Dones
226: Dios Te Salve, Luna Hermosa
227: Como a Su Madre
228: Madre de Todos Los Hombres
229: Oh Maria, Madre Mia
230: Madre de la Unidad
231: Dios Te Salve, Maria
232: Lucero del Alba
233: Canto de Maria
234: Adios, Oh Virgen de Guadalupe
235: Madre de la Iglesia
236: Santa Maria del Camino
237: Dios Te Salve, Maria
238: Saludo a Maria
239: Dios Te Salve, Maria de America
240: Oh Santisima
241: Maria
242: Quiero Decir Que Si
243: Madre del Desaparecido
244: Virgen de Guadalupe
245: Feliz la Que Ha Creido
246: Oh Virgen de Guadalupe
247: Madre de la Iglesia
248: Santa Maria de la Esperanzaza
108: At Mary's Shrine
73: Ave Maria
187: Ave Maria
188: Ave Maria
189: Ave Maria
190: Ave Maria
191: Ave Maria
192: Ave Maria
215: Ave Maria
180: Ave Maris Stella
181: Ave Maris Stella
182: Ave Maris Stella
183: Ave Maris Stella
184: Ave Maris Stella
185: Ave Maris Stella
186: Ave Maris Stella
118: Ave Regina Caelorum
70: Bring Flowers of the Fairest
92: Daily, Daily Sing to Mary
93: Daily, Daily Sing to Mary
116: Despedida Guadalupe
77: Fairest of Mortals
57: Hail, Heavenly Queen
86: Hail, Holy Queen
95: Hail, Queen of Heaven
87: Hail, Rose of Mystic Beauty
75: Hail, Virgin of Virgins
69: Hail, Virgin, Queen of May
84: Holy Mary, Mother Mild
72: Holy Name of Mary
91: Holy Queen, Our Mediatrix
71: It Is the Name of Mary
74: Let's Chant a Hymn to Mary
102: Look Down, 0 Mother
111: Maiden Mother
113: Maria Assumpta
105: Mary from Thy Sacred Image
194: Memento Reum Conditor
104: Most Noble Queen
83: Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest (Lyrics)
82: Mother Dear, O Pray for Me (Lyrics)
107: Mother Mary
112: Mother of God
35: O Come and Mourn
80: Of All Virgins
173: O Fons Puritas
174: O Fons Puritas
195: O Gloriosa Virginum
196: O Gloriosa Virginum
99: O Heart of Mary
96: O Maid Conceived
97: O Maid Conceived
197: O Maria Virgo
81: O Mary to Love Thee
198: Omni Die
199: Omni Die
200: Omni Die
201: Omni Die
100: O Mother, I Could Weep
78: O Mother of Mercy
23: O Mother of the Child
90: On This Day
106: O Queen of the Rosary
88: O Turn Most Tender Mother
114: Our Lady of Good Counsel
110: Our Lady of the Pillar
89: Queen of Mercy
216: Regina Coeli Jubila
44: Rejoice, O Mother
205: Salve Mater
206: Salve Regina Caelitum
207: Salve Regina Caelitum
85: Salve Regina
211: Sancta Maria
39: Stabat Mater
76: Still My Heart.
101: Sweetest Mother
103: Sweet Mother, Hear
208: Sub Tuum
209: Te Mater Alma
210: Te Mater Alma
214: Te Mater Predicamus
212: Tota Pulchra Tu
213: Tota Pulchra Tu
98: To the Immaculate Conception
94: Uplift the Voice and Sing
#672 Holy Mary
#676 There Is Nothing Told
#680 Mary, Woman of the Promise
© This material was compiled by Donald Boccardi, S.M. / St. Mary's University / San Antonio, Texas / January 1995. Copyright is reserved for The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute.