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Music for Lent

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Music for Lent

Marian Music by Titles and Categories Under Seasons

Sources and Key

The following is a compilation of Marian hymns from major Protestant and Catholic hymnals. 

Sources: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant. Traditional, Contemporary, Original.
Based on: Scripture, Liturgy, Patristics, Contemporary Spirituality.
Categories: chant, traditional, contemporary, ecumenical, art songs.



Ave Regina Caelorum:

Ave Regina caelorum, Ave Domina Angelorum: Salve radix salve porta, Ex qua mundo lux est orta: Gaude Virgo gloriosa, Super omnes speciosa: Vale, o valde decora, Et pro nobis Christum exora.
(Ant. -Liber Usualis pp. 274-5 P. 278)

Dolorosa et Lacrimabilis es:

Dolorosa et lacrimabilis es, Virgo Maria, stans juxta crucem Domini Jesu Filii tui Redemptoris. Virgo Dei Genitrix, quem totus non capit orbis, hoc crucis fert supplicium, auctor vitae factus homo.
(Grad. - Liber, p. 1633v)

Felices Sensus:

Felices sensus beatae Mariae Virginis, qui sine morte meruerunt martyrii palmam sub cruce Domini.
(Comm. - Liber, pp. 1637-8)

Jam Toto Subitus:

Jam toto subitus vesper eat polo, Et sol attonitum praecipitet diem, Dum saevae recolo ludibrium necis Divinamque catastrophen.
Spectatrix aderas supplicio Paren, Malis uda, gerens cor adamantinum: Natus funerea pendulus in cruce Altos dum gemitus dabat.
Pendens ante oculos Natus, atrocibus Sectus verberibus, Natus hiantibus Fossus vulneribus, quot penetrantibus Te confixit aculeis!
Heu! sputa, alapae, verbera, vulnera, Clavi, felaloe, Spongia, lancea, Sitis, spina, cruor, quam variapium Cor pressere tyrannide!
Cincuis interea stat generosior Virgo Martyribus: prodigio novo, In tantis moriens non moreris, Parens, Diris fixa doloribus.
Sit summae Triadi gloria, laus, honor: A qua suppliciter sollicita prece, Posco virginei roboris aemulas Vires rebus in asperis. Amen.
(Hymn - Liber, pp. 1640-1)

Stabant Juxta Crucem:

Stabant juxta crucem Jesu mater ejus, et soror matris ejus Maria Cleophae, et Salome, et Maria magdalene. Mulier, ecce filius tuus, dixit Jesus; ad discipulum autem: Ecce Mater tua.
(Intr. -Liber, p. 1633)

Stabat Mater:

Stabat Mater dolorosa Juxta crucem lacrimosa, Dumpendebat Filius.
Cujus animam gementem, Contristatam et dolentem, Pertransivit gladius.
O quam tristis et afflicta Fuit illa benedicta Mater Unigeniti!
Quae maerebat et dolebat, Pia Mater, dum videbat Nati poenas inclyti.
Quis est homo qui no fleret, Matrem Christi si videret In tanto supplicio?
Quis non posset contristari, Christi Matrem contemplari Dolentem cum Filio?
Pro peccatis suae gentis Vidit Jesum in tormentis, Et flagellis subditum.
Vidit suum dulem natum Moriendo desolatum, Dum emisit spiritum.
Eia Mater, fons amoris, Me sentire vim doloris Fac, ut tecum lugeam.
Fac ut ardeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum, Ut sibi complaceam.
Sancta Mater, istud ages, Crucifixi fige plagas Cordi meo valide.
Tui nati vulnerati Tam dignati pro me pati, Poenas mecum divide.
Fac me tecum pie flere, Crucifixo condolere, Donec ego vixero.
Juxta crucem tecum stare, et metibi sociare In planctu desidero.
Virgo virginum praeclara, Mihi jam no sis amara: Fac me tecum plangere.
Fac ut portem Christi mortem, Passionis fac consortem, Et plagas recolere.
Fac me plagis vulnerari, Fac me curce inebriari, Et cruore Filii.
Flammis ne urar succensus, Per te Virgo, sim defensus In die judicii.
Christe, cum sit hinc exire, Da per Matrem me venire Ad palmam victoriae.
Quando corpus morietur, fac ut animae donetur paradisi gloria. Amen.
(Seq. -Liber, pp. 1634v-1637)

Stabat Sancta Maria:

Stabat sancta Maria, caeli Regina, et mundi domina, juxta crucem domini nostri Jesu Christ dolorosa.
(A1. - Liber, pp. 1633-4)

Stabat Sancta Maria:

Stabat sancta Maria, caeli Regina, et mundi Domina, juxta crucem domini nostri Jesu Christi dolorosa. O vox omnes, qui transitis per viam, attendite, et videte, si est dolor sicut dolor meus.
(Tract. -Liber, pp. 1634-5)



At the Cross Her Sation keeping:

At the cross her station keeping, Stood the mournful mother weeping, Close to Jesus to the last.
Through her heart, his sorrow sharing, All his bitter anguish bearing, Now at length the sword has passed.
Oh, how sad and sore distressed Was that mother highly blessed of the sole begotten One!
Christ above in torment hangs; She beneath beholds the pangs Of her dying, glorious Son.
Is there one who would not weep, 'Whelmed in miseries so deep Christ's dear Mother to behold?
Can the human heart refrain From partaking in her pain, In that mother's pain untold?
Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled, She beheld her tender Child, All with bloody scourges rent.
For the sins of his own nation, Saw him hang in disolation Till his spirit forth he sent.
O sweet Mother! Fount of love, Touch my spirit from above, Make my heart with yours accord.
Make me feel as you have felt; Make my soul to glow and melt, With the love of Christ, my Lord.
Holy Mother, pierce me through, In my heart each wound renew Of my Savior crucified.
Let me share with you his pain Who for all our sins was slain, Who for me in torments died.
Let me mingle tears with thee, Mourning him who mourned for me, All the days that I may live.
By the cross with you to stay, There with you to weep and pray, This I ask of You to give.
Virgin of all virgins blest! Listen to my fond request: Let me share your grief divine.
Let me, to my latest breath In my body bear the death Of that dying Son of thine.
Wounded with his every wound, Steep my soul till it has swooned In his very blood away.
Be to me, O Virgin, nigh, Lest in flames I burn and die In that awful judgment day.
Christ, when you shall call me hence, Be your mother my defense, Be your cross my victory.
While my body here decays, May my soul your goodness praise, Safe in heaven eternally. Amen.
(People's Mass Book #55)

Careworn Mother Stood Attending:

Careworn mother stood attending, Witness to the bitter ending, God, her Son, upon the tree.
Though her soul was torn with aching, Heart to heart she shared His breaking, Piercing sword of agony!
Mother of the Sole Begotten Grieved for him, forlorn, forgotten. Gentle heart all sorrow knows.
While she saw that great atoning, From her moaning To that glorious Son arose.
Spring of love, I love thee, Mother! Help me mourn with thee my Brother. Share the secrets of your woe.
No one truly open-hearted, Seeing Mary brokenhearted, But would comfort her in woe.
Ev'ryone dealt Christ the scourging, Nailed him fast at evil's urging; Mary saw his blood run red.
She beheld her dear Beloved Left by all, by darness covered, Till his spirit fell and fled.
May his flesh and five wounds bind me! Holy Mother, ever find me Near my Master crucified.
Christ, whose wounds I share and treasure, Willed to suffer without measure; Saving me in pain de died.
Queen of virgins, be not troubled, Though the weight of woe be doubled. Let me shoulder all your care.
Friend of Christ, I share his giving, Jesus dying in my living; All his precious wounds I wear.
With those wounds, his lifeblood spilling, Be the cross my joy fulfilling, Fresh as drink at break of day.
Virgin Mother, David's tower, Keep me safe From Satan's power On that fiery Judgment Day.
Christ may Mary be the portal, Gateway to reward immortal, When my soul is borne above.
When to earth my body's given, Grant my spirit light of heaven, There with Mary thee to love.
(Collegeville #236)

Hymn to the Sorrowful Mother :

God, in whom all graces dwell, Grant us grace to ponder well Mary's sorrows sevenfold, Which the high priest had foretold.
May the tears which Mary poured Gain us pardon of the Lord; Tears excelling in their worth All the penances of earth.
May our contemplation, too, Of the sorrows Jesus knew, Source to us of blessing be Throughout all eternity.
(Collegeville #324)

O Come and Mourn with Me Awhile:

O come and mourn with me awhile, See Mary calls us to her side, O come and let us mourn with her, Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
Have we no tears to shed for Him, While soldiers scoff and Jews deride? Ah, look how patiently He hange. Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
How fast His feet and hands are nailed; His blessed tongeu with thirst is tied; His failing eyes are blind with blood. Jesus, our Love, is crucified.
O love of God! O sin of man! In this dread act your strength is tried; And victory remains with love, For He, our Love, is crucified.
(N.Basil #37)

What a Sea of Tears and Sorrows:

What a sea of tears and sorrows, Did the soul of Mary toss, To and fro upon the billows, As she wept her bitter loss, etc. 


At the Cross, Her Station Keeping:

At the cross, her station keeping, Stood the mournful mother weeping, Close to Jesus to the last. Through her heart, his sorrow sharing, All his bitter anguish bearing, Now at length the sword had passed.
Oh, how sad and sore distressed Was that mother highly blessed Of the sole begotten one! Oh, the depth of her affliction As she saw the crucifixion Of her dying, glorious Son!
Who, on Christ's dear mother gazing Pierced by anguish so amazing, Born of woman, would not weep? Who, on Christ's dear mother thinking, Such a cup of sorrow drinking, Would not share her sorrows deep?
For his people's sin chastised, She beheld her Son despised, Scourged, and crowned with thorns entwined; Saw him then from judgment taken, And in death by all forsaken, Till his spirit he resigned.
Jesus, may her deep devotion Stir in me the same emotion, Source of love, redeemer true. Let me thus, fresh ardor gaining And a purer love attaining, Consecrate my life to you.
(Lutheran #110)



Dostoino Yest


Laudi Alla Vergine Maria


Stabat Mater


Take My Mother Home:

I think I heard Him say, When He was strugglin' up de hill, I think I heard Him say, "Take my mother home." I think I heard Him say, When dey ws spittin' in 'Is face, I think I heard Him say, "Take my mother home.
Den I'll die easy, take my mother home, Den I'll die easy, take my mother home." I think I heard Him say, When dey was rafflin' off 'Is clo'es, I think I heard Him say, "Take my mother home."
I think I heard Him cry, When dey was nailin' in de nails, I think I heard Hm cry, "oh, take my mother home! I'll die dis death on Calvary, Ain' go'nter die no mo' Lord, I'll die on Calvary, Ain' gon'n ter die no mo', Brother, ain' go'n ter die no mo'.
I'll die easy, take my mother home, I'll die so easy ef you take my mother home." I think I heard Him say, When He was dyin' on de cross, I think I heard Him say, "Take my mother home." I think I heard Him cry, When He was givin' up de ghos'; I think I heard Him cry, "Please take my mother home."

© This material was compiled by Donald Boccardi, S.M. / St. Mary's University / San Antonio, Texas / January 1995. Copyright is reserved for The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute.


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