Magisterial Documents: Tertio Millennio Adveniente
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Magisterial Documents: Tertio Millennio Adveniente
Apostolic Letter on Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000 Pope John Paul II
10 November 1994
The full document is available on the internet.
Brief History
The Marian Year emphasized a time of preparation before the turn of the millennium. In a symbolic sense, the year 1978-88 was chosen to mark the time elapsed between Mary's birth and Christ's incarnation at the Annunciation. Pope John Paul II called for spiritual renewal to prepare for the year 2000 understood as the beginning of the third millennium of Jesus Christ's incarnation.
There are five major parts to the document: 1) "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today..." 2) The Jubilee of the Year 2000 3) Preparation for the Great Jubilee 4) Immediate Preparation with two phases and finally the celebration of the jubilee. The second phase was to be divided into three periods: Year One: Jesus Christ; Year Two: the Holy Spirit; Year Three: God the Father. The final chapter is 5) "Jesus Christ is the same ... for ever."
During the time of preparation, each of the years was to reflect Mary in relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity. Mary's divine motherhood, her faith, the fulfillment of the Christian's baptism, catechesis--these aspects were to be studied in the Year of Christ, 1997. In the Year of the Holy Spirit, 1998, his sanctifying presence, confirmation, the virtue of hope--all exemplified in Mary--were to be studied. The Year of God the Father, 1999, was to cover the themes: faith journey to the Father, conversion, the virtue of charity as love of God and neighbor--again, a model for this is Mary. The final year, the Year 2000 is meant to give glory to the Trinity. An International Eucharistic Congress should take place in Rome. The year should be intensely Eucharistic, ecumenical and universal.
The teaching on Mary in Tertio Millennio Adveniente is not new. The document specifically traces the lines from Lumen Gentium to Redemptoris Mater and now to Tertio Millennio Adveniente. (TM 26) Mary, who gave the Incarnate Word his flesh, will play her on-going supporting role in the new millennium.
Introduction 1
I. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today..." 2-8
II. The Jubilee of the Year 2000 9-16
III. Preparation for the Great Jubilee 17-28
IV. Immediate Preparation 29-30
a) First Phase 31-38
b) Second Phase 39
Year One: Jesus Christ 40-43
Year Two: the Holy Spirit 44-48
Year Three: God the Father 49-54
c) Approaching the Celebration 55
V. "Jesus Christ is the same...for ever" 56-59
AAS 87 (1994):5-41;
Origins 24 (1994) 401ff
© This material has been compiled by M. Jean Frisk.
Copyright is reserved for The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute.
Most recently updated in 2005.