Magisterial Documents: Basic Teachings for Catholic Religious Education
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Magisterial Documents: Basic Teachings for Catholic Religious Education
The National Council of Catholic Bishops
11 January 1973
Brief History
In Spring of 1971, the General Catechetical Directory mandated by Vatican II was published in Rome. The English edition was published by the United States Catholic Conference by December. By November of the following year, 1972, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops [NCCB] had released a message titled, To Teach as Jesus Did: A Pastoral Message on Catholic Education. This was the first pastoral in the history of the Catholic Church in the United States to be devoted only to religious education. The document builds mainly on Vatican II's Gravissimum educationis, the Declaration on Christian Education, but it also draws on the General Catechetical Directory. This document is mentioned here because it was considered a landmark in American catechetical methodology and was meant to be a partner to a document on catechetical content published less than two months later. That document, Basic Teachings for Catholic Religious Education, includes Marian teaching. It was meant as an implementation in the United States of the General Catechetical Directory, and was prepared in consultation with the Catechetical Office of the Holy See.
Basic Teachings was essentially an interim document. The United States had begun preparation of its own National Catechetical Directory as a consequence of the universal General Catechetical Directory in 1971, but this would not be forthcoming until 1979.
Three themes – prayer, liturgy, and scripture – are in Basic Teachings the framework with which to study all catechetical themes, including the person and role of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first mention of Mary is in the introductory section on prayer and the second is in article 24, which gives the basic catechetical teaching on Mary that was to be included in official teachings about her.
Basic Teachings for Catholic Religious Education
The Mystery of the One God Father, Son, Holy Spirit
True Worship of God in a World Which Ignores Him
Knowledge of God and the Witness of Christian Love
Jesus Christ, Son of God, The Firstborn of All Creation and Savior
Creation, the Beginning of the History of Man's Salvation
Jesus Christ, the Center of All God's Saving Works
Jesus Christ, True Man and True God in the Unity of the Divine Person
Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer of the World
The Holy Spirit in the Church and in the Life of the Christian
The Sacraments, Actions of Christ in the Church
(The Universal Sacrament)
Religious Instruction on the Sacraments
The Eucharist, Center of All Sacramental Life
The Sacrament of Matrimony
The New Man in the Spirit
Human and Christian Freedom
The Sins of Man
The Moral Life of Christians
The Perfection of Christian Love
Specifics in the Teaching of Morality
The Church, People of God and Institution for Salvation
The Church as a Community
The Quest for Unity
The Church as the Institution for Salvation
Mary, Mother of God, Mother and Model of the Church
Final Reunion with God
The National Council of Catholic Bishops
January 11, 1973
© This material has been compiled by M. Jean Frisk.
Copyright is reserved for The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute.
Most recently updated in 2005.