La Famille Monastique de Bethléem de L’Assomption de la Vierge et de Saint Bruno
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La Famille Monastique de Bethléem de L’Assomption de la Vierge et de Saint Bruno
The Monastic Family of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint Bruno was founded on November 1st, 1950 at Saint Peter’s Square in Rome when Pope Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin which states that Mary was elevated, body and soul, from earth into heaven. A group of French pilgrims received the call to give everything in order that new communities be born in the Church. The vocation of these communities would be to share the life of the Mother of God, present in the Trinity, in a life of adoration of the Father in spirit and truth.
Biographical Information
Founder: A group of French pilgrims to Rome
Foundation: 1951
Ecclesial Recognition:
Membership: 29 monasteries of nuns and 4 of monks in France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Austria, Israel, the United States, Germany, Argentina, Canada, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Chile, Cyprus, Algeria and Mexico and soon in Jordan.
Lay/Religious: religious
Individual/Community: community
Commitment/Vows: members pass through stages up to permanent vows
Purpose and Activities
Overall Purpose: To hear the call to give everything for new communities are born in the Church after the definition of the Assumption in 1950. To share in the life of the Mother of God present in the heart of the Trinity, in a life of worship of the Father in Spirit and in Truth.
Apostolic commitments:
Marian Characteristics
Major Inspirations: The definition of the Dogma of the Assumption by Pius XII in 1950.
General Marian Characteristics:
Spiritual\Devotional Exercises: Daily recitation of the Angelus
Pastoral/Apostolic Endeavors: The community receives the name of "The Assumption of the Virgin," which reminds the monks and nuns that the Virgin is the glorified model and archetype of their vocation. Their responsibility in the Church is to anticipate on this earth the life of the Virgin.