Creeds from the Patristic Period (8-800)
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Creeds from the Patristic Period (8-800)
Teachings of the Popes and Councils on the Blessed Virgin Mary
– Documents provided here are the research work of Stuart Schafer
The symbols (creeds) of the early Christian Church are listed below. The text in brackets indicates the theme. Abbreviations, Bibliography, and Compendiums below.
Formulas of the Ancient West
Hippolytus, Apostolic Tradition
3rd century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Greek and English [Dix and Chadwick lx-lxi=DH0010]
Codex Laudianus
3rd century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Latin and English [DH0012; D0002]
Augustine, Sermon 213
5th century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Latin and English [DH0014; FOC 038, 122-129]
Peter Chrysologus, Sermon 057
5th century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Latin and English [DH0015; FOC 017, 105-110]
Augustine, Sermon 215
5th century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Latin and English [DH0021; FOC 038, 142-150]
Recent Formulas of the West
Roman Order of Baptism
10th century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Latin and English [DH0030; D0006]
Formulas of the East
Epiphanius of Salamis, Anchoratus 119, 3-12
4th century
Marian Text: [Mary Ever Virgin]
Published in Greek and English [DH0044-0045; D0013-0014]
Armenian Orthodox Divine Liturgy
4th-7th century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Armenian and English [Badarak Creed=DH0048-0049; Badarak Creed]
Apostolic Constitutions VII, 3, 41
4th century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Greek and English [DH0060; English translation Early Church Fathers, Apostle, Constitutions of the Holy Apostles]
Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ
5th century
Marian Text: [Virginitas ante partum]
Published in Latin and English [DH0061; English translation Dix and Chadwick lxvii-lxviii]
The Formula "Fides Damasi"
5th century
Marian Text: [Divine Maternity]
Published in Latin and English [DH0071-0072; D0015-0016]
The Formula "Libellus in modum Symboli"
First Synod of Toledo (400) enlarged by Pastor of Palencia
Marian Text: [Divine Maternity]
Published in Latin and English [DH0188-0208; D0019-0038]
The Formula "Quicumque"
5th century
Marian Text: [Divine Maternity]
Published in Latin and English [DH0075-0076; D0039-0040]
Perpetual Virginity in Liturgical Texts
Marian Text: [Mary Ever Virgin]
Published in various liturgical books as given in references for Liturgies
[Greek|Coptic|Latin|Armenian|Aramaic|Ge'ez, English]
Bibliography and Compendiums
AAS – Acta Apostolicae Sedis; commentarium officiale, Vatican City:Libreria editrice vaticana, 1909-
AG – Acta Gregorii Papae XVI, Corpus actorum RR. pontificum, Graz : Akadem. Druck- und Verlagsanst., 1971
AL – Sanctissimi domini nostri Leonis Papae XIII Allocutiones, epistolae, constitutiones, aliaque acta praecipua, Brugis ; et Insulis : Typis Societatis Sancti Augustini : Desclee, De Brouwer, 1887-1906
AP – Pii IX Pontificis Maximi acta, Graz : Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, 1971
APX – Pii X Pontificis Maximi acta, Graz : Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, 1971
ASS – Acta Sanctae Sedis, .Lyon:Typis Xaverii Jevain, 1890-1891 – Many references to this series were conveniently found collected in Marie : documents pontificaux sur la Très Sainte Vierge parus depuis un siècle, 1854-1954 : recueil / préparé et annoté par Ernest Lemieux, Québec : Presses universitaires Laval, 1954-
BR – Tomassetti, Luigi, Cocquelines, Charles, Gaude, Francesco, 1809-1860, and Bilio, Luigi, 1826-1884, Bullarium romanum, Augustae Taurinorum, Seb. Franco et Henrico Dalmazzo editoribus, 1857-72
CIC – Codex Iuris Canonici, Pii X Pontificis Maximi [1917], Westminster:The Newman Book Shop, 1942
CMP – Campos, Sergius Alvarez, OFM, Corpus Marianum Patristicum, Burgos:Ediciones Aldecoa, 1970-1985. Citation format: Volume number (I, II, III, IV/1, IV/2, V, VI, Indices) followed by excerpt number - e.g. "CMP III, 2268."|
D – Denzinger, Heinrich, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, translated by Roy J. Deferrari from the Thirtieth Edition of Henry Denzinger's Enchiridion Symbolorum, Freiburg:Herder, 1957. Electronic version contained on Harmony Media CD Welcome to the Catholic Church 3.0, Salem, Or:Harmony Media Inc, 2001 – Copyright statement: "No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Harmony Media or the respective copyright owner. Non-commercial, personal use, manipulation or printing of the data is permitted for educational or recreational purposes only. Under these laws, you may use this material on one computer workstation at a time. You do not have the right to copy the software, except as necessary to use it on one workstation. You are legally accountable for violation of the copyright, trade secret, or trademark laws."
DACL – Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie, Fernand Cabrol and Henri Leclercq, eds, Paris:Letouzey et Ané, 1913-1953
DH – Denzinger, Heinrich, Kompendium der Glaubensbekenntnisse und kirchlichen Lehrentscheidungen, Verbessert, erweitert, ins Deutsche übertragen und unter Mitarbeit von Helmut Hoping herausgegeben von Peter Hünermann, 40. Auflage, Freiburg:Herder, 2005
EI – Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, 2nd. edition, Rome:Typis polyglottis vaticanis, 1952 – The Raccolta or A Manual of Indulgences… from the 1950 official edition of the "Enchiridion Indulgentiarum…", NY:Benziger Brothers, Inc, 1952 – The 1952 indulgences are largely superseded: Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, Normae et concessiones, 4th edition, Vatican:Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999 – The Handbook of Indulgences, Norms and Grants, Authorized English edition, (based on the Third edition of Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, 1986), NY:Catholic Book Publishing Co, 1991
FOC – Fathers of the Church, A New Translation. Series begun in the mid-20th-century and still releasing new translations, now under the auspices of the Catholic University of America. – Volume 017. Saint Peter Chrysologus, Selected Sermons and Saint Valerian, Homilies, translated by George E. Ganss, S.J., NY:Fathers of the Church, Inc., 1953; Volume 034. St. Leo the Great, Letters, translated by Brother Edmund Hunt, C.S.C., NY:Fathers of the Church, Inc., 1957; Volume 038. Saint Augustine, Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons, translated by Sister Mary Sarah Muldowney, R.S.M., NY:Fathers of the Church, Inc., 1959; Volume 093. St. Leo the Great, Sermons, translated by Jane Patricia Freeland, C.S.J.B. and Agnes Josephine Conway, S.S.J., Washington D.C.:Catholic University of America Press, 1996; Volume 109. Saint Peter Chrysologus, Selected Sermons Volume 2, Homilies, translated by William B. Pallady, Washington, D.C.:The Catholic University of America Press, 2004
MBC – Barberi, Andrea, Segretus, Rainaldus, and Spetia, Alexander, Magnum bullarium Romanum, Roma:Ex Typographia Reverendæ Cameræ Apostolicæ, 1835-1858
NCWC – National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D.C.
OOB – Opera omnia / Benedicti XIV, Prati : Alberghetus, in Typographia Aldina, 1839-1847
TTH – Translated Texts for Historians – Volume 06. The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis), revised [second] edition, translated with an introduction by Raymond Davis, Liberpool:Liverpool University Press, 2000
CD. ROM Ellenika Leitourgika Keimena tes Orthodoxes Ekklesias, Akathistos Ymnos and Staseis; Megale Paraklese
The Service of the Akathist Hymn, translated from the Greek by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline:Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1991
Missale Romanum. Editio Princeps 1570 in CD-ROM, Vatican City:Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000
Saint Joseph Continuous Sunday Missal, edited and compiled from the "Saint Joseph Daily Missal" by Rev. Hugo Hoever, D.O.Cist., Ph.D., NY:Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1958-1957
The Treatise on the Apostolic Tradition of St Hippolytus of Rome, edited by Gregory Dix and Henry Chadwick, second revised edition reissued with additional corrections, London:The Alban Press, 1992
Aboseif, Anthony, ed, Coptic Hymns, A Book of Hymns for All Occasions of the Coptic Year, first edition, Hayward:Saint Antonius Coptic Orthodox Church, 2000
CD-ROM. The Early Church Fathers from the original 38 Volumes by Harmony Media, Inc.
Copyright Harmony Media, Inc. 2000 All rights reserved
Le liber pontificalis, Abbé L. Duchesne, 2nd edition, Paris:E. de Boccard, 1955-1957
- Anaphoras, The Book of the Divine Liturgies according to the Rite of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, Lodi, NJ:Metropolitan Mar Athanasius Yeshue Samuel, 1991
- Bazzi, Fr. Michael, Chaldean Prayers and Hymns, St. Peter Chaldean Catholic Church (El Cajon, Ca), 1997 (no communicantes with perpetual virginity)
- The Coptic Orthodox Liturgy of St. Basil, Cairo:The American University in Cairo Press, 1998
- Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church, 3rd ed, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, 1974
- The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, Brookline:Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1985
- The Ethiopic Liturgy, Liturgy of the Apostles, Addis Ababa, 1958 [English only]
- Hoever, Rev. Hugo, SOCist, PhD, Saint Joseph Continuous Sunday Missal, NY:Catholic Book Publishing Co, 1958
- Hieratikon, hai theiai leitourgiai, Athens:Publication of the Apostolic Service of the Church of Greece, 1968
- Magistretti, Dr. Marcus, Monumenta veteris liturgiae Ambrosianae vol 1, 1897, Nendeln:Kraus Reprint, 1971 (of Milan:Ulrich Hoepli, 1905)
- Meshafe Keddasie (Catholic), Rome, 1945
- Pieuchologion ente ti-Ekklesia en-Alexandrine (Catholic), Rome, 1971
- Qurbono, The Book of Offering, The Service of the Holy Mysteries according to the Antiochene Syriac Maronite Church, Brooklyn:Saint Maron Publications, 1994 [English only]. The main anaphoras with claim to origination in the Syrian area are lacking a reference to the perpetual virginity. It is present in the anaphoras of St. John Maron and James of Sarug, and in some apparently foreign anaphoras such as those of St. Mark, St. Sixtus, and St. John Chrysostom. Consult also Pentalogie antiochienne/domaine Maronite, L'abbé Y. Moubarrac, tome IV, Livre du pain et du vin, de l'eau, de l'huile et du baume, Beirut:Cenacle libanais, 1984
- Shashy, Rev.; Andrew C, tr. by Redlinger, Joseph, The Holy Mass According to the Syrian Rite of Antioch [Catholic] with Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles, Jacksonville, 1955 [English with selected Aramaic transliteration]
Other summary sources:
The Vatican website:
EWTN’s online Document Library: