The following Nativities are each displayed in a unique permanent setting created by Marian Library Crèche Collection volunteers. The descriptive text for each was written by Father Johann Roten, S.M.
Naturally Bent
Carmen and Antonio Jerez and Carevic
Naturally bent has a double meaning in the nativity set. Visually the title refers to the posture of the figures in this set. Like two waves coming in from different directions, see joyful piety of the holy couple and the wisemen is closing in on and literally envelopes the baby in the manger. There is a grace in their movement, and tenderness in their respectful gesture. And there is nothing artificial about these firgures: they are naturally bent. However, "naturally bent" also refers to the physical reality of the characters of this nativity. Inded, they are made of cow horns. Using naturally bent cow horns, the artists transformed them into the darling figures of this set. Each culture has its own way and materials to represent the Nativity. Frequently, the materials are taken from the common riches of the country. But no material is worthless. In Christ's birth all of human reality and nature achieves new value and nobility.
– ML.1415