All About Mary
Your online destination for information on the Blessed Virgin Mary and related topics
Designed for everyone from expert theologians to those simply exploring.
As of 2024, All About Mary is no longer being updated with new content. A sitewide review and feedback from readers indicates that updating and keeping All About Mary active requires significant time and resources, far beyond the Marian Library’s current capacity. The Marian Library is retaining the site as a historical resource.
It is important to note that Information and links may be outdated and reflect the expertise, interpretations and opinions of their authors, not necessarily of the Marian Library, International Marian Research Institute or the University of Dayton.
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Frequently Asked Questions and Additional Destinations for Marian Scholarship and Research, located further down on this page, may provide assistance.
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Frequently Asked Questions
As you navigate the information on this website, especially for use in scholarly research, these answers to questions from readers may be applicable to you.
If an attribution to an author or a date is not mentioned on a page, unfortunately, that information is not available. As a site, All About Mary began as The Mary Page in the 1990s and was active through the mid-2010s. While it was primarily led by Father Johann Roten, S.M., then the director of the International Marian Research Institute (IMRI), many theologians, students and community volunteers contributed content over the years. Author names, dates and other attributions were not consistently captured or retained.
Follow the instructions for citing a website in your preferred citation style guide and/or instructions provided by an instructor, if applicable. If an All About Mary page lacks an author and/or date, check a style guide for how to cite web pages without a date indicated and follow the guide’s instructions.
Especially for pages where an author is not listed, we recommend seeking out alternative scholarly sources outside of All About Mary that can provide additional information on the topic.
eCommons, a service of University of Dayton Libraries, is a permanent digital archive of UD's research and activities. It is home to many of the Marian Library's digital collections as well as scholarship from UD’s International Marian Research Institute.
Additional Destinations for Marian Scholarship and Research
The main goal of the International Marian Research Institute is to honor the University’s and the Marianists’ commitment to advancing Marian studies. IMRI students, staff and faculty engage in undergraduate, graduate and faculty research as well as public scholarship. IMRI collaborates with multiple entities including the Department of Religious Studies, the Marian Library and the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives.
The Marian Library is recognized both nationally and internationally as a center for scholarship on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Collections include over 100,000 books, artworks, and archival resources dating from the 15th century to the present. Librarians offer a variety of services including research assistance, borrowing, instruction, academic support and exhibits.
The University of Dayton's Department of Religious Studies offers courses and graduate and doctoral certificates in Marian Studies. UD also offers fellowships for Marian research and artistic creation.