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2025 Open Enrollment - Graduate Assistant

Open Enrollment will begin October 29th and will run through November 11th for changes to healthcare and dental plans. All elections must be made in the Benefit Focus platform no later than 4:30 p.m. on November 11th. Changes will not be permitted after the close of Open Enrollment on November 11, 2024.

There have been no changes to the healthcare plan benefits for 2025. Please carefully review the plans on the new Xplore site and use the comparison tool within Benefits Focus to compare your options.

Graduate Assistants may enroll in individual coverage in healthcare and either the individual or family dental plans.  If enrolled in the healthcare plans, you will also be enrolled, as no extra cost to you, into the EyeMed Vision plan which provides a benefit toward the cost of glasses or contacts. Your eye exam will continue to be covered under your healthcare plan. No enrollment form is needed to enroll in this plan.


Human Resources

St. Mary's Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1649