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Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

Tenure and non-tenure School of Engineering faculty and UDRI research professionals — Are you interested in the School of Engineering SURE program for summer research? 

Become a Faculty Mentor

The School of Engineering's SURE program is an opportunity for undergraduate engineering and engineering technology majors to spend 10 weeks working with a mentor on a research project.

Mentors guide students through a project that aligns with faculty interest but is a project completely their own.


  • Students: Receive $5,500 each.
  • Mentor: Receive mentor training and limited funds for research consumables.

What does it look like?

  • Program length: May 19, 2025 through August 1, 2025.
  • Weekly time commitment: mentor average 10 hours; students spend 28 hours in research and 7 hours in professional development and community outreach.
  • Where: Your research facility.
  • Commitments: mentor community of practice sessions, attend mentor training, provide safety training for your student researcher(s), conduct weekly meetings with your student and your research time.
  • Who can apply? Full-time UD School of Engineering faculty (tenure and non-tenure track) and UDRI research professionals.


Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

Kettering Laboratories
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0254