Lidar and Optical Communications Institute (LOCI)
LOCI: The Place to be for Graduate Education in LIDAR and FSOC
LOCI is an Air Force center of excellence for laser radar (LiDAR) research and graduate study.
Free space laser communication (FSOC) comes under the LOCI purview, since many aspects of LiDAR and FSOC are synergistic. LOCI performs advanced laser radar research in pre-competitive areas. We seek and encourage industry participation and fulfill educational needs as well as develop research directions.
LOCI is a collaboration between AFRL, AFIT, the University of Dayton and the LiDAR/FSOC communities. We provide graduate education in these areas with M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electro-optics as well as a LIDAR certificate program.
LOCI serves the Lidar and free space optical communications community by developing highly qualified engineers for leadership in the field. They conduct research on component technology to demonstrate unprecedented sensing, tracking, identification and access to information.

The goal of LOCI is to develop an Air Force Center of Excellence in Lidar and laser communication research and education. To attain its goal, LOCI collaborates with the Air Force Research Laboratory to develop and implement research programs to integrate students and faculty into the research and technology development. With AFIT, LOCI develops relevant Lidar curriculum, constructs and maintains state-of-the-art laboratories on campus, as well as develops and cultivates industrial and academic partnerships.
LOCI membership is comprised of representatives from the LOCI constituencies: government (AFRL and AFIT), UD, and industry.
Industry membership requires a donation of $250,000, which may be contributed at a minimum level of $50,000 per year over five years (total of $250,000). Initially, the funds were used to endow a LOCI chaired professor. UD also contributed $1,500,000 toward the endowed LOCI chair position. The membership fee provides Lifetime Membership with a voting seat on the Board of Governors (BOG) and membership in the University of Dayton John Stuart Society (an honorary society that honors major contributors to the University).
- The BOG Chair position will come from industry sponsors, and their term is one year.
- The BOG will determine conditions for membership beyond the founding members.