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STEM Stories for Students in the Third Grade

What do Engineers Do?

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SWE K-12 Outreach is a way to become part of the Society of Women Engineers as a student up to the age of 18. Become part of SWE and #BeThatEngineer!

SWENext K-12 Outreach Resources (.pdf)


TeachEngineering allows users to save a list of their favorite TE lessons, activities, sprinkles and units, and they can also submit ratings and reviews for specific lessons, activities, sprinkles and units to help others.

The American Society for Engineering Education's K-12 Center

EGFI - Engineering Go For It has a student section that features interesting profiles of engineers as well as information on what engineering careers and schools are like. The ASEE also offers an excellent 64-page booklet, Engineering, Go For It!, that you can order for a small fee.


TRYEngineering offers information about engineering careers and education, links to interactive games and an online form through, which you can send questions to engineering students and professionals. The Become an Engineer section includes listings of engineering societies and a lot of pre-college projects, contests, and summer camps.


Associate Dean, School of Engineering

Kettering Laboratories
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0254