Program Options
Choose from an undergraduate, graduate or certificate programs
Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy (BSE)
This part-time, online bachelor's degree program is designed for early childhood professionals who have already earned an associate's degree (or equivalent) in early childhood education or a related field.
This "stackable" program builds on an associate's degree (or equivalent) and allows students to earn certificates and concentrate on their areas of interests as they complete their degree. Coursework combines practical knowledge with theoretical insight. You'll be supported by faculty and experienced professionals in the field as you complete your bachelor’s degree.
Course descriptions: Academic catalog >>
Based on a student who enters the program with an associate's degree (or equivalent), has completed the general education requirements, and attends part-time:
First year
- Summer: EDT 461, certificate course
- Fall: EDT 460 and lab, EDT 340 and lab, certificate course
- Spring: EDT 462 and lab, certificate course
Second year
- Summer: EDT 463 and lab, EDT 344
- Fall: EDT 464 and lab, certificate course
- Spring: EDT 465, EDT 305
Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy (MSE)
This online master's degree program is designed for experienced early childhood professionals who wish to advance the knowledge and skills required to be effective leaders and advocates in the field of early care and education. Program content can be applied by program administrators, supervisors, teacher leaders and advocates in a variety of settings where professionals work with and advocate for young children and their families.
All candidates must complete the graduate leadership core sequence and either the administration strand or the advocacy strand. All coursework is available online and is designed for students who seek a part-time, web-based program.
Course descriptions: Academic catalog >>
Based on a student who plans to attend part-time for two years, plus one additional summer:
First year
- Summer: EDT 561 and EDA 556 or EDT 570
- Fall: EDT 560 or EDT 573
- Spring: EDT 502 or EDT 500 and EDT 562
Second year
- Summer: EDT 500 and EDT 563
- Fall: EDT 510 and EDT 564
- Spring: EDT 660 and EDA 509 or EDT 650
Third year
- Summer: EDT 565 and EDT 667
Certificate in Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy
This professional certificate is designed for experienced early childhood education professionals — such as program administrators, supervisors, teacher leaders and other professionals — who work with and advocate for young children and their families. It is available at the undergraduate or graduate level. This program prepares candidates with the knowledge and skills required to be effective leaders and advocates in the field of early care and education.
All coursework is available online. Certificate is issued by the University of Dayton.
- Undergraduate program info: Academic catalog >>
- Graduate program info: Academic catalog >>
Certificate in Infant and Toddler Specialist
This certificate is designed for early childhood professionals. Coursework can be taken as a standalone certificate at the undergraduate or graduate level. It can also be applied to the Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy bachelor's or master's degree.
- Undergraduate program info: Academic catalog >>
- Graduate program info: Academic catalog >>