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BHWET Program

What is BHWET?

The Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program (BHWET) is a HRSA & American Rescue Plan-funded collaboration between the University of Dayton’s 4 mental health graduate programs (clinical mental health counseling, school psychology, school counseling, and clinical psychology) and community partners from health, public safety, and education across 30 counties in Southwest and Central Ohio to: 

  • increase access to mental health services for children, adolescents, and transition-aged youth,
  • address workforce shortages in high need and high demand areas, and
  • develop diverse leaders in mental health fields who are meaningfully engaged in our communities upon graduation through Interprofessional Education and Practice.

The program is organized into 4 labs: First Responder Wellness, Recruitment and Retention, Resource Mapping, and Whole Family Wellness. Through the labs, students and faculty work with law enforcement, hospitals, public health boards, faith-based organizations, and schools to address mental health and workforce issues in our region.

Building the Behavioral Health Workforce

Working to increase mental health services for children, adolescents, and transition-aged youth in high need and high demand areas.

  • $1.9 m

    grant from a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) call for proposals.

  • 4 labs

    focusing on first responder wellness, whole family wellness, practitioner resources, and recruitment and retention into mental health fields.

  • 125+

    faculty, staff, student participants, and community partners involved.

Student Involvement

Students work alongside faculty in a lab structure. Each team of students is focused on developing sustainable solutions to systemic issues. Community partners have been instrumental in identifying areas of focus. Each team develops programming, conducts research, and disseminates information across professions and communities. 


This is a 4 year $1.92M program and is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the American Rescue Plan. 

How this program benefits our students:

  • $10,000 Stipend,

Community Partners


The BHWET program is partnered with 93+ community partners and organizations.