- National: American Academy of Physician Assistants
- National: Physician Assistant Education Association
- National:National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
- State: Ohio Association of Physician Assistants
- Student: Student Academy of the American Academy of Physician Assistants
Grievance policy
A3.11 The program must define, publish and make readily available to faculty and students policies and procedures for processing student grievances and allegations of harassment.
A3.17d The program must define, publish and make readily available to students upon admission academic performance and progression information to include policies and procedures for processing student grievances.
Students with concerns should address the issue first with the module coordinator. Should a student require further assistance, they should consult their faculty advisor. The advisor will involve the Program Director, Director of Didactic Education or Director of Clinical Education or other university administrative personnel as the situation warrants. The University of Dayton Physician Assistant program complies with all university policies regarding student grievances and the academic honor code. Learn more: Academic honor code >>
Discrimination and harassment policies
A3.11 The program must define, publish and make readily available to faculty and students policies and procedures for processing student grievances and allegations of harassment.
A3.17g The program must define, publish and make readily available to students upon admission academic performance and progression information to include policies and procedures for processing allegations of harassment.
The University of Dayton and the Physician Assistant program reaffirm the principle that its students, faculty and staff have a right to be free from discrimination, including sexual discrimination, in the form of harassment or sexual harassment by any member of the University community. Students who believe they have been sexually harassed should refer to the student handbook for more in-depth policy information. Additional information regarding the process of reporting incidents of bias, harassment, or discrimination may be found at the office of Equity Compliance. Students may also consult with the Dean of Students regarding their complaints.
Harassment or discrimination allegations made to Physician Assistant program faculty or staff will be promptly referred to the university. The program will make every effort to protect and support any student, faculty or staff who has filed a harassment or discrimination complaint. A student determined to be involved in harassing or discriminatory behavior may also be subject to departmental professionalism review by the Clinical Committee or Didactic Committee.