Carolyn Roecker Phelps
Associate Professor; Associate Provost for Faculty and Administrative Affairs
Full-Time Faculty
Office of the Provost; College of Arts and Sciences: Psychology
Carolyn Roecker Phelps is the Associate Provost for Faculty and Administrative Affairs. She is also an associate professor in the Department of Psychology and a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Ohio. She has served as the chair of the department and as the Associate Dean for Faculty Scholarship, Internationalization, and Inclusive Excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Carolyn came to Dayton in 1995. Her work has supported both the undergraduate and graduate programs teaching courses in the area of clinical psychology. She received her B.S. in Secondary Education - Mathematics in 1984 from the University of Illinois and taught high school mathematics and history for three years before beginning her graduate training. She received her M.S. in Psychology in 1990 from Illinois State University and her Ph.D. in Psychology in 1994 from the University of Iowa. Following completion of her degree, she spent one year as a Child Clinical Psychology Fellow at Bowling Green State University. Carolyn has taught courses in family and marriage therapy, and adult and childhood psychopathology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
- Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1994
Research Interests
- Children's Aggression and Strategies for Coping with Aggression by Peers
- Sexual Revictimization
- Family Conflict
- Childhood Psychopathology
Selected Publications
Dubow, E. F., Roecker, C. E., & D'Imperio, R. (1997). "Mental health." In R. T. Ammerman, & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of prevention and treatment with children and adolescents: Interventions in the real world context. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Kmett Danielson, C., & Roecker Phelps, C.E. (in press). "Assessment of children's social skills through self-report." Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.
Roecker Phelps, C.E. (2001). "Children's responses to overt and relational aggression." Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 30, 240-252.
Roecker, C.E., Dubow, E.F., & Donaldson, D. (1996). "Cross-situational patterns in children's coping with observed interpersonal conflict." Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 25, 288-299.