Patrick Sweeney
Professor Emeritus
School of Engineering: Department of Engineering Management, Systems, and Technology
Experience: Dr. Sweeney has served as a faculty member, chairman, assistant dean, and interim dean of engineering since joining the University of Dayton faculty in 1978. He has earned a B.S. in aeronautical engineering from Notre Dame, an M.S. in industrial engineering from the University of Missouri, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Dayton. His research interests include large models of power supply, tactical air operations, economic impacts of defense department closures, project management, system selection, and resource allocation. In addition to his graduate teaching and research agenda, he has been very active in the continuing education arena and has delivered courses on campus and simultaneously via the Internet as well as around the nation at client facilities.
Dr. Sweeney served as a department head and faculty member at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) from 1972 to 1978. He is intimately familiar with the leadership, management, planning process, policy making, and the technical and administrative aspects of educational, business, and government organizations composed of professional and dedicated work forces. In addition to his educational experience, he has served as an engineer, program manager, and combat pilot and was awarded the Silver Star, 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, Bronze Star, and 17 Air Medals. He has managed organizations of more that 575 people and budgets of over several million dollars.
Dr. Sweeney has published many articles and several books. His professional associations include NSPE, Aviation Hall of Fame, Engineering and Science Hall of Fame, EMS, SAME, ASC, OE, AFA, ASEE, Daedalians. He is a Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio. Recently, he co-authored a war novel, Nail ’67-‘68, which is available at with the code number 6533040.
Selected publications
- Sweeney, P.J. 2009. NAIL '67-'68. Ohio: PJSA, Inc.
- Deep. R., C.E. Ebeling, J. Litko, C.M. Shaw, and P.J. Sweeney. 2008. A comparative analysis of student perceptions of live classroom teaching, live distance learning and recordings. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Sweeney, P.J. 2007. New stuff that works and why. ASC Leadership Series, Miami University, October 18, in Oxford, Ohio.
- Lee, D.R., P.J. Sweeney, and R. Deep. 2007. Emotional intelligence factors and influence tactics. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 14, no. 1: 440-448, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Sweeney, P.J., and J.R. Litko. 2006. The myths of career advancement debunked. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 13, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Sweeney, P.J. 2003. Let’s get to know ourselves…Working on a team. Operator Certification, Ohio EPA, Division of Drinking and Ground Waters Certification Unit, Columbus Ohio.
- Sweeney, P.J. 2002. What works and why. ASC Leadership Series, Miami University, October 4, in Oxford, Ohio.
- Lee, D.R., and P.J. Sweeney. 2001. An assessment of influence tactics used by project managers. Engineering Management Journal 13: 16-24.
- Lee, D.R., and P.J. Sweeney. 2001. Emotional intelligence factors and influence tactics. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, February 21-26, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Sweeney, P.J., D.R. Lee, and H. Briggs. 2000. Emotional intelligence and influence tactics: A pilot study. American Society for Engineering Management 21st National Conference, October 4-7, in Washington D.C.
- Sweeney, P.J., and D.R. Lee. 1999. Support and commitment factors of project teams. Engineering Management Journal 11 (September): 13-17.
- Lee, D.R., P.J. Sweeney, and G.J. Shaughnessy. 1999. Developing commitment and a positive team environment. Project Management Institute’s 30th Annual Conference, October 10-12, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Sweeney, P.J., and D.R. Lee. 1998. How to get promoted. American Society for Engineering Management 19th National Conference, October, in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
- Bohlen, G.A., D.R. Lee, and P.J. Sweeney. 1998. Why and how project managers attempt to influence their team members. Engineering Management Journal 10: 21-28.
Courses Taught
- Decision Making
- Organizational Design
- Organizational Behavior
- System Dynamics
- System Simulation
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Dayton
- M.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Missouri
- B.S., Aeronautical Engineering, Notre Dame
Professional Activities
- Professional Registration: Professional Engineer, State of Ohio
- Aviation Hall of Fame
- Air Force Association
- American Society for Composites
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Daedalians
- Engineering Management Society
- Engineering and Science Hall of Fame
- National Society of Professional Engineer
- Optical Engineering
- Society of American Military Engineers
Research Interests
- Economic impacts of Defense Department closures
- Logistics simulation
- Manufacturing simulation
- Modeling and simulation
- Project management
- Resource allocation
- System selection
- Tactical air operations
- Simulation