Guanghao Rui
Research Scientist
School of Engineering: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Book Chapters
- Rui, G., and Q. Zhan. 2014. Plasmonics with vectorial optical fields. In Vectorial optical fields: Fundamentals and applications, World Scientific.
Journal Publications
- Rui, G., D.C. Abeysinghe, R.L. Nelson, and Q. Zhan. 2013. Demonstration of beam steering via dipole-coupled plasmonic spiral antenna. Scientific Reports 3, no. 2237.
- Rui, G., W. Chen, D.C. Abeysinghe, R.L. Nelson, and Q. Zhan. 2012. Beaming circularly polarized photons from quantum dots coupled with plasmonic spiral antenna. Optics Express 20, no. 19297.
- Rui, G., R.L. Nelson, and Q. Zhan. 2012. Beaming photons with spin and orbital angular momentum via a dipole-coupled plasmonic spiral antenna. Optics Express 20, no. 18819.
- Rui, G., R.L. Nelson, and Q. Zhan. 2011. Circular polarized unidirectional emission via coupled plasmonic spiral antenna. Optics Letters 36, no. 4533.
- Rui, G., Q. Zhan, and H. Ming. 2011. Nanoantenna-assisted extraordinary optical transmission under radial polarization illumination. Plasmonics 6, no. 521.
- Rui, G., W. Chen, and Q. Zhan. 2011. High efficiency plasmonic probe design for parallel near-field optics applications. Optics Express 19, no. 5187.
- Rui, G., Y. Lu, P. Wang, H. Ming, and Q. Zhan. 2010. Generation of enhanced evanescent Bessel beam using band-edge resonance. Journal of Applied Physics 108, no. 074304.
- Rui, G., Y. Lu, P. Wang, H. Ming, and Q. Zhan. 2010. Evanescent Bessel beam generation through filtering highly focused cylindrical vector beams with a defect mode one-dimensional photonic crystal. Optics Communications 283, no. 2272.
- Rui, G., W. Chen, Y. Lu, P. Wang, H. Ming, and Q. Zhan. 2010. Plasmonic near-field probe using the combination of concentric rings and conical tip under radial polarization illumination. Journal of Optics 12, no. 035004.
- Ph.D., Optics and Optical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2013
Research Interests
- Nanophotonics
- Polarization engineering