Partha Banerjee
Professor; Director of Holography and Metamaterials Laboratory
Full-Time Faculty
School of Engineering: Department of Electro-Optics and Photonics
- Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, 1983
- M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, 1980
- B.E., Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1979
Selected Honors and Awards
- Holoknight award, 2019, in recognition for contributions to holography
- Dayton Area Associated Societies Council Research Award, 2012
- University of Dayton Alumni Research Award, 2012
- Fellow, Institute of Physics (FInstP), 2011
- Fellow, SPIE, 1998
- Fellow, Optical Society of America, 1995
Research Interests
- Digital and Dynamic Holography
- Metamaterials
- Photorefractives
- Acousto-optics
Courses Taught
- Electromagnetics (undergraduate)
- Laser Systems (undergraduate)
- Fourier Optics (graduate)
- Microelectronic Systems (graduate)
- Electro-Optics Devices and Systems (graduate)
- Nonlinear Optics (graduate)
Professional Activities
- Co-Chair, Optical Society Digital Holography meeting 2019, Bordeaux, France
- Guest co-editor, joint issue on Digital Holography, Applied Optics and JOSA-A, 2019
- Co-Chair, Optical Society Digital Holography meeting 2015, Heidelberg, Germany
- Guest co-editor, joint issue on Digital Holography, Applied Optics and JOSA-B, 2016
- Chair, OSA Environmental Sensing Committee 2012-2015.
- Technical Chair, OSA Digital Holography Topical Meeting, Shanghai, 2015
- Technical Group Chair, Environmental Sensing, OSA, 2014-present
- Topical Editor, Applied Optics, OSA, 2010-present
- General Chair, OSA Digital Holography Topical Meeting, Miami, 2010
Selected Recent Publications
- Jarem, J. M., & Banerjee, P. P. 2011. Computational methods for electromagnetic and optical systems. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. [with Solutions Manual]
Journal papers
- Zhou, H., Sui, X., Cao, L., & Banerjee, P. P. (2019). Digital correlation of computer-generated holograms for 3D face recognition. Appl. Opt., 58, G177-G186.
- Abeywickrema, U., Zhao, C., & Banerjee, P. P. (2018). Estimation of thermocapillary force during laser trapping of confined microbubbles in a liquid. Opt, Engr., 56, 064106-1-7.
- Gnawali, R., Banerjee, P. P., Haus, J. W., Reshetnyak, V., & Evans, D. R. (2018). Berreman approach to optical propagation through anisotropic metamaterials: Application to metallo-dielectric stacks. Opt. Comm., 425, 71-79.
- Abeywickrema, U., Banerjee, P. P., Kota, A., Swiontek, S. & Lakhtakia, A. (2017). High-resolution topograms of fingerprints using multiwavelength digital holography. Opt. Engr., 56, 034117-1-8.
- Basunia, M., Banerjee, P. P., Abeywickrema, U., Poon, T. -C., & Zhang, H. (2016). Recursive method for phase retrieval using transport of intensity and its applications. Appl. Opt., 55, 9546-9554.
- Nehmetallah, G., Khoury, J., & Banerjee, P. P. (2016). Photorefractive two-beam coupling joint transform correlator: Modeling and performance evaluation. Appl. Opt., 55, 4011-4023.
- Abeywickrema, U., Banerjee, P. P., & Banerjee, N. T. (2015). Holographic assessment of self-phase modulation and blooming in a thermal medium. Appl. Opt., 54, 2857-2865.
- Williams, L., P.P. Banerjee, G. Nehmetallah, and S. Praharaj. 2014. Holographic volume displacement calculations via multiwavelength digital holography. Appl. Opt. 53: 1597-1603.
- Aylo, R., Nehmetallah, G. Li, H., & Banerjee, P. P. (2014). Multilayer periodic and random metamaterial structures: Analysis and applications. IEEE Access, 2, 437-450.
- Williams, L., Nehmetallah, G., & Banerjee, P. P. (2013). Digital tomographic compressive holographic reconstruction of three-dimensional objects in transmissive and reflective geometries. Appl. Opt., 52, 1702-1710.
- Banerjee, P. P., Evans, D. R., Lee, W., Reshetnyak, V. Y., & Tansu, N. (2013). Hybrid organic-inorganic materials for novel photonic applications. Appl. Opt. and Opt. Mat. Exp., joint feature issue editorial.
- Liebig, C. M., Buller, S. H., Banerjee, P. P., Basun, S. A., Blanche, P.-A., Thomas, J., Christenson, C. W., Peyghambarian, N., & Evans, D. R. (2013). Achieving enhanced gain in photorefractive polymers by eliminating electron contributions using large bias fields. Opt. Exp., 21, 30392-30400.
- Nehmetallah, G., Aylo, R., Powers, P., Sarangan, A., Gao, J., Li, H., Achari, A., & Banerjee, P. P. (2012). Co-sputtered SiC + Ag nanomixtures as visible wavelength negative index metamaterials. Opt. Exp., 20, 7095-7100.
- Banerjee, P. P., Buller, S., Leibig, C., Cook, G., Evans, D., Blanche, P., Thomas, J., & Peyghambarian, N. (2012). Time dynamics of self-pumped reflection gratings in photorefractive polymers. J. Appl. Phys., 111, 013108.
- Nehmetallah G., & Banerjee, P. P. (2012). Applications of analog and digital holography in three-dimensional imaging. Invited paper, Advances in Optics and Photonics, 4, 472-552.
- Nehmetallah, G., Aylo, R., & Banerjee, P. P. (2011). Binary and core-shell nanoparticle dispersed liquid crystal cells for metamaterial applications. Nanophotonics, 5, 051603, 1-15.
- Aylo, R., Banerjee, P. P., & Nehmetallah, G. (2010). Perturbed multilayered structures of positive and negative index materials. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B, 27, 599-604.
- Aylo, R., & Banerjee, P. P. (2010). Modeling propagation in negative index media using causal complex dispersion relations. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B, 27, 1583-1588.
- Cook, G., Barnes, J. L., Basun, S. A., Evans, D. R., Ziolo, R. F., Ponce, A., Reshetnyak, V. Y., Glushchenko, A., & Banerjee, P. P. (2010). Harvesting single ferroelectric domain stressed nanoparticles for optical and ferroic applications. J. Appl. Phys., 108, 1-5.