Rebecca M. Hoffman
Senior Research Engineer
Joint Appointment
School of Engineering: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Selected Publications
- Jha, S. K., Brockman, R. A., Hoffman, R. M., Sinha, V., Pilchak, A. L., Porter, W. J., Buchanan, D. J., Larsen, J. M., & John, R. (2018, July). A data analytics approach to discovering unique microstructural configurations susceptible to fatigue. Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 70(7).
- Golden, P., Brockman, R., Hoffman, R., Musinski, W., Jha, S., & John, R. (2018). Prediction of microstructurally–influenced fatigue crack propagation. 2018 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 11-15, Phoenix, AZ.
- Jha, S. K., Brockman, R. A., Hoffman, R. M., Sinha, V., Porter, W. J., Buchanan, D. J., Pilchak, A. L, Larsen, J. M., & John, R. (2017). Correlation of microstructural configurations to fatigue indicator parameters. 2017 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 26-March 2, San Diego, CA.
- Buchanan, D. J., Hoffman, R. M., Brockman, R. A., Braisted, W. R., White, G. A., Broussard, J. E., & Crooker, P. (2012). Prediction of relaxation of water jet peening residual stresses in alloy 600. International Boiling Water Reactor and Pressurized Water Reactor Materials Reliability Conference and Exhibit Show 2012, July, National Harbor, MD.
- Abolaeha, O. A., Hoffman, R. M., & Weber, J. (2012). Biomechanical simulation of growth of a scoliotic spine with a single growing rod attached. IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modeling June 25-27.
- Yost, J. R., Dinehart, D. W., Hoffman, R. M., Gross, S. P., & Callow, M. (2011). Experimental and analytical investigation of service load stresses in cellular beams. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 138(8), 953-962.
- Blasetti, A. S., Hoffman, R. M., & Dinehart, D. W. (2008, January). Simplified hysteretic finite element model for wood and viscoelastic polymer connections for the dynamic analysis of shear walls. Journal of Structural Engineering, Special Publication on Supplemental Damping, 134(1).
- Carpenter, B., Patil, S., Hoffman, R., Lilly, B., & Castro, J. (2006). The effect of machine compliance on mold deflection during injection and packing of thermoplastic parts. Polymer Engineering and Science, 46(7), 844-852.
- Hoffman, R. M., Kinzel, G. L. & Grandhi, R. V. (2004). Nonlinear elastic-plastic analysis using the modified finite quasi-prism element. Finite Elements in Design and Analysis, 40, 449-460.
- Hoffman, R. M., Sudjianto, A., Du, X. & Stout, J. (2003). Robust piston design and optimization using piston secondary motion analysis. SAE, paper 2003-01-0148.
- Hoffman, R. M. & Busby, H. R. (2000). Stress based convergence analysis for p-adaptive hierarchical finite element analysis. Finite Elements in Design and Analysis, 34, 25-35.
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University
- B.S.M.E, University of Dayton
Course Taught
- Finite Element Analysis