Connie L. Bowman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Education Field Office Director
Full-Time Faculty
School of Education and Health Sciences: Teacher Education
- Ph.D., Teacher Education, Ohio State University, 1995
- M.Ed., Counseling, University of Cincinnati, 1981
- B.A., Secondary Education, Capital University, 1975
Professional Activities
- International Reading Association
- Association of Teacher Educators
- National Professional Development Schools
- Ohio Association of Teacher Educators
- National Council of Teachers of English
- Ohio Council of Teachers of English/Language Arts
Research Interests
- Mentoring pre-service and in-service teachers
Selected Publications
McIntosh, N., Bowman, C. L. (2019). Professional Development Using a Gradual release Model to Facilitate Culturally Responsive Strategies in a Rural Secondary School Curriculum in Malawi. International Journal of Educational Reform, 28(3).
LaDuca, B., Ausdenmoore, A., Hallinan, K., Crecelius, A., Katz-Buoncintro, J., Arnold, J., Bowman, C., Sweet, C., Hayford, M., Yorke, J., Blust, R., & Appiah-Kubi, P. (2019). A transdisciplinary collaboration and innovation education model and experience. Research in Higher Education Journal, 37.
Bogard, T., Sableski, M., Arnold, J., Bowman, C. (2017). Minding the gap: Mentor and pre-service teachers’ ability perceptions of content-area literacy instruction. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 17(4), 44-66.
Bowman, C. L., & Herrelko, J. M. (2014). Bridging theory to practice with classroom rounds. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(4), 51-66.
Bowman, C., Collopy, R. M. B., Bentley, J., Cameron, E., & Taylor, D. A. (2013). Urban PDS Partnership: Preparing Teachers for Social Justice. In K. Zenkov, D. G. Corrigan, R. S. Beebe, and C. R. Sell (Eds.), Professional Development Schools and Social Justice: Schools and universities partnering to make a difference. New York: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. Read online >>
Collopy, R. M. B., Bowman, C., & Taylor, D. A. (2012). The educational achievement gap as a social justice issue for teacher educators.Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 16(1), 4-25. Read (pdf) >>
Collopy, R., & C. Bowman. (2008). Teacher candidates' perceptions of urban and poor students. Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, 21(1):25-30.
Bowman, C. (2007, June-August). Professional Development in Adolescent Literacy. The LS Exchange. Literacy Specialist Project, Vol. 27.
Bowman, C., & P. Drake. (2006). Living in two worlds: The clinical educator. Ohio Journal Teacher Educators,19(2):10-15.
Bowman, C., M. Martin, & M. Morrison. (2005). Reflection and the preservice teacher. In Israel, Block, Bauserman, & Kinnucan-Welsch, Eds., Metacognition and Reading. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ.
Bowman, C., & S. Adams. (2005). The Journey together: University and clinical educators. Ohio Journal Teacher Educators, 18(1):11-17.
Richards, S., C. Bowman, & S. Hunley. (2003). Building partnerships through collaboration and accommodation skill training. Michigan and Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, 16(2).
Bowman, C., & C. Giebelhaus. (2002). The study of Pathwise and its effect upon supervision of student teachers.Pedagique, Sophie, Bulgaria.
Bowman, C., & C. Giebelhaus. (2002). Teaching mentors: Is it worth the effort? Journal of Educational Research,95(4):246-254.
Bowman, C., & S. Adams. (2002). Portfolios, performance-based assessment, and benchmarks: How the NCATE process can empower faculty. The Michigan & Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, 15(1):5-8.
Seery, M.E., S. Adams, K. Kinnucan-Welsch, C. Bowman, & P. Grogan. (2002). Women scholars, integration, and the Marianist tradition: Learning from our culture and ourselves. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 5(3):297-314.
Bowman, C., & S. McCormick. (2000, March/April). Peer coaching versus traditional supervision. Journal of Educational Research, 93(4):256-261.
Kinnucan-Welsch, K., S. Adams, C.L. Bowman, L. Joseph, & M.E. Seery. (2000, Spring). Write(ing)(ers') Support Group: Stories of facing publish or perish. Teacher Education Quarterly, 27(2):105-118.
Williams, D., & C.L. Bowman. (2000). Mentoring and the preservice teacher. ATE Teacher Education Yearbook.Corwin Press.
Selected Presentations
International Presentations
Bowman, C., McIntosh, N. (2017). Professional Development using Culturally Responsive Strategies in PLCs. Wasambo High School, Chilumba, Malawi.
Bowman, C., McIntosh, N. (2017). Using Student Centered Culturally Responsive Strategies in a Gradual Release Framework to Co-Construct Malawian Curriculum. Wasambo Education Foundation Malawian Board of Governors, Chilumba, Malawi.
Lawless, C., Bowman, C., & Baldwin, J. (2015). Improving the capacity of Ohio institutions of higher education to prepare all educators to meet the needs of all learners. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
National Presentations
Nenonene, R., McIntosh, N., & Bowman, C. (2019). Reflections: Professional Development Using Culturally Responsive Strategies in Secondary School Curriculum in Malawi. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Louisville, KY.
Regional Presentations
McIntosh, N., Bowman, C., Nenonene, R., & Youssef, F. (September, 2019). Professional development using culturally responsive strategies in Malawi & Ghana. The North American Community: Uniting for Equity Conference, Dayton, OH.
Nenonene, R., Young, P., Bowman, C., Dolph, D., & Ruzicka, A. (October, 2016). The urban teacher academy: a promising practice that emphasizes leadership qualities and recognizes the importance of resiliency for all students. Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations, Columbus, OH.
Bowman, C., Lawless, C., & Baldwin, J. (2015). Improving the capacity of Ohio institutions of higher education to prepare all educators to meet the needs of all learners. Ohio Deans Compact on Exceptional Children, Columbus, OH.
State/Local Presentations
Nenonene, R., Young, P., Bowman, C., Adams, S., & Dolph, D. (April, 2017). Connecting the dots of the urban teacher academy: A promising practice that emphasizes leadership qualities and recognizes the importance of resiliency for all students. Faculty and community symposium: Shared expertise for shared solutions – University of Dayton inaugural week presentations, Dayton, OH.
Nenonene, R. McIntosh, N., Young, P., Bowman, C., (2018). Impacting School Culture and Climate Through Culturally Responsive Learning Communities. Ohio Conference of Teacher Education Organizations, Columbus, OH.
Nenonene, R., Gallagher, C., Collopy, R., Kelly, MK., Bowman, C., (2018). The Faculty Perspective: Embedding Social-Emotional Learning into Teacher Preparation. Ohio Conference of Teacher Education Organizations, Columbus, OH.