Shauna M. Adams, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education; Executive Director, Center for Early Learning
Full-Time Faculty
School of Education and Health Sciences: Center for Early Learning, Bombeck Center, Teacher Education
- Ed.D., Early Childhood and Special Education, University of Cincinnati, 1996
- M.S., Ed. Social Agency and School Counseling, University of Dayton, 1986
- B.S., Elementary and Special Education, University of Dayton, 1979
Licensures & Certifications
Permanent Certifications:
- Special Education: K-12
- MSPRE / Moderate -Intensive
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Early Intervention Specialist: B to 3
Professional Certifications:
- Quality Matters Evaluator, Quality Matters Certification
- The Developing Brain - Trainer, Zero to Three Certification
- In Depth Practice, Conscious Discipline
- Managing Bias, EVERFI/UD
- Level 2 - Trauma Informed, Trauma Informed Care
Professional Activities
- Ohio Early Childhood Advisory Council
- Ready Set Soar Advisory Cabinet
- Montgomery County Kindergarten Readiness Committee
Donley, M., Bell, J. & Adams, S.M. (2024). Child Care Stabilization Grant Part 4, Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. (Submitted application for $116,000).
Donley, M., Bell, J. & Adams, S.M. Child Care Stabilization Grant Part 3, Department of Jobs and Family Services. (Funded for $298,000).
Donley, M., Bell, J. & Adams, S.M. Child Care Stabilization Grant Parts 1 and 2, Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. (Funded for $116,000).
Adams S.M. (2017-18). Kindergarten Readiness Gap Project: A gift from the Spurlino Foundation ($75,000).
Research Interests
- Early childhood curriculum
- Advocacy and leadership in early childhood: improving quality
- Catholic early childhood
Selected Publications
Adams, S.M., Kronberg, A, Perino, P. & Ferguson, S. (2024). Stories of God’s love: Kindergarten one-day guide (2nd). Cincinnati, OH: RCL Benziger.
Adams, S.M., Kronberg, A, Perino, P. & Ferguson, S. (2024). Stories of God’s love: kindergarten multi-day guide (2nd). Cincinnati, OH: RCL Benziger.
Adams, S.M., Kronberg, A, Perino, P. & Ferguson, S. (2024). Stories of God’s love: Ages 3 and 4 preschool program one-day guide(2nd). Cincinnati, OH: RCL Benziger.
Adams, S.M., Kronberg, A, Perino, P. & Ferguson, S. (2024). Stories of God’s love: Ages 4 and 5 preschool program one-day guide (2nd). Cincinnati, OH: RCL Benziger.
Adams, S.M., Kronberg, A, Perino, P. & Ferguson, S. (2024). Stories of God’s love: Ages 3 and 4 preschool program multi-day guide (2nd). Cincinnati, OH: RCL Benziger.
Adams, S.M., Kronberg, A, Perino, P. & Ferguson, S. (2024). Stories of God’s love: Ages 4 and 5 preschool program multi-day guide (2nd). Cincinnati, OH: RCL Benziger.
Adams, S.M. Kronberg, A., Donley, M. & Lynch, E. (2022). Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program (10th). Belmont, CA: Cengage.
Adams, S.M. & Bowman, C.L. (Under revision) Trauma Informed Classrooms: Supporting Catholic School Educators to Support Students
Walsh, M., Adams, S.M., Ferguson, S.M., Hearst, M., Jones, J., Petsagourakis, D., Theodorakakis, M., Wall, S. (2020). The Influence of Contextual Variables on the Implementation of Best Practices in University-Community Partnerships. Journal of Education.
Davies, S., Hundley, A., & Adams, S.M. (2019). Preschool parent training for traumatic brain injury prevention and response. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 4(2)95-116.
Adams, S.M., Nenonene, R., Young, P., & Macintosh, N. (2019). Expanding world views and supporting intercultural competence: A model for understanding, assessment and growth for teacher educators. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, 15(1)70-98.
Peer reviewed presentations
Welkener. M., Butler, K., & Adams, S.M. (2022) “Let's Build a Garden": Using Ill-Defined Problems & Emergent Curricula to Promote Creativity,” Oxford, OH: Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching.
Adams, S.M. & Kronberg, A.S. (2021). With Crisis Comes Opportunity: Lessons Learned During Unprecedented Times. Presented virtually at the North American Community: Uniting for Equity Conference. San Antonio, TX: St. Mary’s University.
Adams, S.M. (2020). The Family Engagement Collaborative: Authentic Opportunities for Pre-Service Teachers to Advocate for Families and Serve the Community. Presented virtually at the National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators. (moved online due to COVID19).
Adams, S.M., Macalister, S. & Poppaw, D. (2020). The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning in Faith Formation. Accepted for presentation at the National Catholic Education Association Conference: Baltimore, MD. (cancelled due to COVID19)
Adams, S.M. & Poppaw, D. (2019). A Play Date with Jesus Part 2: The Importance of Play in the Faith Formation of Young Children. Presented at the National Catholic Education Association Conference: Chicago, IL.
Adams, S.M. & Ferguson, S.M. (2019). Creating the Most Effective Family Engagement System: Getting the Most out of Efforts to Connect. Presented at the National Catholic Education Association Conference: Chicago, IL.