Alison A. Carr-Chellman, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Education and Health Sciences
Full-Time Faculty
School of Education and Health Sciences: Office of the Dean
- Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington
- M.S. in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, Syracuse University
- B.S. in Elementary Education, Syracuse University
Licensures & Certifications
- Cornell Certificate for Conflict Resolution
Professional Activities
- President, Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2021-22
- Educational Technology Research & Development (ETRD) editorial board
- Tech Trends reviewer, E-Learn Magazine, former EIC, currently on editorial board
- Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) editorial board
- Quality Matters, K-12 Strategy Committee
- Rural Schools Multi-State Initiative, Advisory Board
- The National Athletic and Professional Success Academy, Advisory Board.
Professional Memberships
- Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
- Council of Academic Deans from Research Institutions (CADREI)
- American Association of Educational Research (AERA)
- Learning with Technology: Doceo Center, Ali Carr-Chellman, PI, 2017-2020. $3,047,408.00
- Idaho Building Capacity Project, Ali Carr-Chellman, PI, 2017-2020. $2,403,094.
Awards & Honors
- Jonassen Award for Outstanding Research
- Outstanding Book Award (2017), Design & Development. For Carr-Chellman, A.A., Rowland, G. (Eds.), (2017). Classic Dialogues: Exploring the Field of Educational Technology. Routledge.
- 2015 Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Research and Theory Division Outstanding Book Award for Instructional Design for Teachers.
- 2014 Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Distinguished Development Award for work in applications of gaming and Instructional Design to classrooms as leverage points to systemically transform schools.
- James W. Brown Publication Award for Instructional-design theory, vol. III: Building a common knowledge base. (2009) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Winner AERA SIG for Systems Thinking in Education “Outstanding Publication Award for Established Scholar.” For book chapter, Creating Shared Visions of the Future for K-12 Education.
Research Interests
- Gender and gaming
- Technology impact on learning
- Learning sciences
- Educational technology
- Innovation and change
- E-learning
- Instructional design
- Systemic thinking
- Negentropy
Research Briefs
Selected Recent Publications
- Carr-Chellman, A.A., Rowland, G. (Eds.), (2017). Classic Dialogues: Exploring the Field of Educational Technology.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2016). Instructional Design for Teachers ID4T: Improving Classroom Practice, 2nd. Routledge.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2010). Instructional Design for Teachers ID4T: Improving Classroom Practice.
- Reigeluth, C.M. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (Eds.) (2009). Instructional-design theory, vol. III: Building a common knowledge base. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Translated into Chinese 2018.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2006). User-Design. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Carr-Chellman, A. A. (Ed.). (2005). Global Perspectives on E-learning: Rhetoric and Reality. Sage Publications.
Refereed Journal Articles:
- MacAvoy, J.P., Freeman, S. Jr., Carr-Chellman, A.A., Kitchell, A. (2021). Perceptions versus reality: First year/early career faculty expectations and experiences through the lens of negentropy. International Journal of Leadership in Education. DOI: 1080/13603124.2021.1882703
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2021). Too much Trojan technology. Tech Trends, 64, 811.
- Carr-Chellman, A. & Russo, C.J. (2020). “Virtual Liabilities: Transforming Crisis Online Learning to Robust Online Learning.”School Business Affairs, 86, No. 7, 38-40.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A., Freeman, S., & Kitchel, A. (2020). Negentropy: Systems theory and chaos for university leadership and management. Journal of Higher Education Management, 35 (2), 5-12.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A., Kitchel, A., & Freeman, S. (2020). Negentropy: Energy creating tools for organizational development. Tech Trends, 64 (2), 275-179.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A., Raney, T., Campbell, D. (2020). Gem state inequalities: Examining the recent history of Idaho public school funding through Kozol’s lens. Journal of Education Finance, 45 (4), 407-426.
- Carr-Chellman, D.J., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2020). Integrating systems: The history of systems from von Bertalanffy to profound learning. Tech Trends.
s11528-020-00540-1 - Carr, A.A., Raney, T., Campbell, D. (2019). Rural funding inequities: The case of Idaho’s public schools. Kappan Online. Retrieved from:
rural-schools-funding- inequity-idaho-public-schools- carr-chellman-campbell-raney/ - Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). Games to learn: An update from 2010. Issues and Trends in Educational Technology (ITET), 7 (1), 34-44.
- Engerman, J.A., MacAllan, M. & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). Understanding learning in video games: A phenomenological approach to unpacking boy cultures in virtual worlds. Education and Information Technologies (EIT). 1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s10639-019-09930-2.
- Gregg, A., Bergg, P., Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2019). Changing the narrative: New directions in online retention. e-Learn Magazine. Retrieved from:
featured.cfm?aid=3313876 - Scroth, S., Tang, H., AlQahtani, M. and Carr-Chellman, A. (2019). An exploratory study of Osmo tangram and tangram manipulative in an elementary mathematics classroom. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE) 11 (1), 1-11.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2018). Going to school doesn’t qualify: The uses of education experts in mass media reporting through the lens of the DeVos hearings. EJournal of Education Policy. Fall 2018. Retrieved from:
uploads/sites/135/2019/01/ Carr-Chellman.pdf - Engerman, J.A., MacAllan, M, & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2018). Games for boys: A qualitative study of experiences with commercial off the shelf gaming. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66 (2), 313-339.
Popular Press/Non-refereed Publications
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2021). On the growing curve: An interview on gaming to learn with G2A’s CEO, Bartosz Skwarczek. E-learn Magazine, (May). Available:
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2021). Emergency Use Online Learning: What just happened to us? Times Higher Education (New York Times).
- Dousay, T.A., Wetcho, S., Muljana, P.S., Arslan, O., Digges, E.H., Peacock, R., & Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2021). Hybrid or Virtual Conferencing, that is the question. Tech Trends, 65 (4). .
- Carr-Chellman, A.A. (2021). A concept from Physics called negentropy could help your life run smoother. The Conversation (March 12, 2021).
- Carr-Chellman,A.A., Dixon, R. (2020). Book Review of Vision and Action: Reinventing schools through personalized competency-based education. Tech Trends, (64), 545-546.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A., Kitchel, A., Freeman, Jr. S., Gauert, S. (2020). Why picking up your socks isn’t enough…Or how negentropy could save the university. Profound Living.
- Carr-Chellman, A.A., Freeman, S., Kitchel, A. (2019). Leadership for Negentropic online enterprise. Revista Espanola de Pedagogia. (Spain)
Selected Presentations
TED Talk: Bring Back the Boys: Gaming to Re-engage boys in their own learning. Global January 2011. More than 1,000,000 views.