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Eliot Butter

Professor Emeritus


College of Arts and Sciences: Psychology


Email: Eliot Butter


  • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1971
  • M.A., General Psychology, Brooklyn College of CUNY, 1969


Dr. Butter received his M.A. in general psychology from Brooklyn College of CUNY in 1969 and his Ph.D. in experimental child psychology in 1971 from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Shortly thereafter, he joined the faculty at the University of Dayton in 1971. He served for 13 years as the Director of the Summer Trial Enrollment Program, a College of Arts and Sciences program serving the needs of conditionally accepted students.

He is currently retired as an Emeritus Professor. At the undergraduate level, he taught classes such as Introductory Psychology, Child Psychology and Television and its Effects on Children, while at the graduate level he has offered courses in Developmental Psychology and Perceptual and Attentional Development in Infants and Children.

He published extensively in the area of visual and auditory cognitive styles and their relationship to reading and also conducted research in the area of moral development. More recently his research focused on the area of television, including preschoolers' ability to discriminate TV commercials from programs, the effect on children of over the counter medicine advertising and the importance to children of television.

Faculty perspective

"Since my appointment as the Director of Undergraduate Programs in Psychology, I found that I received a great deal of satisfaction from speaking to high school students and their parents during their process of deliberating coming to the University of Dayton. I also immensely enjoyed counseling UD students considering switching their major to psychology. My working with the younger absorbent mind, provided much pleasure in my academic career."