Marybeth Carlson
Professor Emerita
College of Arts and Sciences: History
- Ph.D., European History, University of Wisconsin, 1993
Dr. Carlson received a Fulbright award in 1988-89 to support her research into working conditions for women in 17th and 18th century Europe. She began her career at the University of Dayton in 1992 as a faculty member in the Department of History. She has participated in the Women's Studies Program and the International Studies Program, and in 1995 taught in the International Summer Studies Abroad Program in Paris. She taught courses at all levels of history and is the newsletter editor for the Society for Netherlandic History.
Research interests
- European Social History
- European History, 1500-1800
- Atlantic World History
Selected publications
"'There is no service here but my service!' Municipal Attempts to Regulate Domestic Servant Behavior in Early Modern Holland" in Power and the City, ed. Wayne te Brake. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers, forthcoming 2004.
"Domestic Servants" in Dictionary of Early Modern Europe: 1450-1789. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, forthcoming 2004.
"Women in and out of the Public Church in the Dutch Republic," in Women and Religion in the Old and New Worlds, ed. Debra A. Meyers and Susan E. Dinan. Routledge Press, 2001.
"Down and Out in Rotterdam in 1700: Aspects and Functions of Poor Relief in a Dutch Town," in The Low Countries and the new world(s): travel, discovery, early relations, ed. Johanna C. Prins, et al. Publications of the American Association for Netherlandic Studies 11. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2000.
"Low Countries," "Charles Henry Wilson," "Robert Jacobus Fruin," "Peter Geyl" and "John Lothrop Motley" in Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1999.
"Where the Wild Papers Are: Producing a Student Portfolio in the Undergraduate Seminar," with Laura Hunt Yungblut. The History Teacher 32. November, 1998, 43-56.
"A Trojan Horse of Worldliness? Maidservants in the Burgher Household in Rotterdam at the end of the Seventeenth Century" in Women of the Golden Age, ed. Els Kloek, Nicole Teeuwen, and Marijke Huisman. Hilversum: Verloren, 1994), 87-96.
Book reviews in History: Reviews of New Books, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal of Social History, Sixteeenth Century Studies.