P Kelly Williams
Professor Emeritus
College of Arts and Sciences: Biology
- Ph.D., Indiana University, 1973
- M.S., University of Minnesota, 1969
- B.A., University of Texas, 1966
Dr. Williams was a professor of biology. He also served as program coordinator for UD's Environmental Biology Program. He came to the University in 1973.
Research interests
In the vertebrates the common mode of sexual reproduction is diploidy with males and females. In some groups of lower vertebrates, there has been the evolution of all female populations through parthenogenesis or gynogenesis. The Mole Salamanders fit a typical reproductive mold with the exception of the evolution of the Ambystoma Jeffersonianum complex. In this complex two diploid species, A. Jeffersonianum and A. Laterale, each have coevolved with a gynogenetic associate form, respectively known as A. Platineum and A. Tremblayi. These gynogenetic associates are triploid and unisexual female. Additionally, two other diploid species (A. Tigrinum, A. Texanum) have been identified as participants in the evolution of all female clones. Gynogenesis produces triploid females and when sperm is incorporated from male A. Tigrinum, some offspring are tetrahybrid and tetraploid. Current investigation is focused upon the evolutionary population dynamics of larval hybrids and diploids including assessments of the geographic distribution of unisexual populations in Ohio.