Partnering with Us

Becoming a Partner
Partnering is more than just research. It's aligning the strengths of UD's academic and research capabilities with the special interests and needs of your industry's business. Sharing expertise and perspectives while challenging each other with current, vital issues sparks innovative, practical solutions.
The Cybersecurity Center seeks to partner with local and regional organizations trying to tackle technical and human behavior elements of information security. We especially focus in the following areas:
- Healthcare
- Financial, Legal, and Insurance
- Critical Infrastructure and Utilities
- DOD/Government Agencies
Potential Collaboration Activities with Lead Practice Partners:
- Healthcare IT internships and co-ops
- Cybersecurity innovation workshops/institutes/briefings
- Technology Sandbox and Cyber Range
- Cybersecurity tabletop exercises
- Co-delivered community outreach
- Social engineering testing and training
- Ongoing commitment to co-develop, present, and publish regional and national papers as well as cases on collaborative IT security best practices and innovations.
Collaboration Opportunities and Benefits
Partnering with the Center for Cybersecurity & Data Intelligence offers organizations valuable insight, experience, and thus a competitive edge.
As partners, organizations receive various collaboration opportunities with lasting benefits, including:
- Premium access to UD students and graduates for internship and employment recruitment
- Exclusive access to the Center for tours and briefings
- Discounted Access to the Center's training and continuing education workshops, institutes, and certification sessions
- Quarterly briefings on the latest cyber threats and developments, which are provided by the Center's affiliated cyber experts
- Collaborative research opportunities
- Membership on the Center's advisory council
- Sponsorship acknowledgement in the Center's facilities and publications
- Shared reputational benefit of partnering with the University, as well as regional and national firms/organizations
- Demonstrated evidence of your organization's ongoing commitment to cybersecurity's leading practices