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New Horizons Music Current Session

New Horizons Music Program's 25th Season


Fall Term: September 5 - December 7, 2024

Spring Term: February 6 - May 3, 2025


Opportunities for appropriate levels of instruction and rehearsal:


Rising Stars (group instruction)

For those learning to play an instrument, and those needing a refresher. Group and individual instruction will include beginning music-reading skills, tone and technique development, and ensemble performance skills. No experience required. Beginners may start in fall semester only.

Concert Band

For those who find themselves between the beginner and intermediate levels (beginner level too easy, advanced concert band music too challenging). No ensemble experience is necessary to play in Concert Band. This group will focus on the continued development of music-reading skills, instrument technique, and tone. Music selections will be of easy to intermediate difficulty.

Symphonic Band

For those who are able to read music comfortably, have developed an acceptable tone quality, and have learned most of the required technique to perform. No ensemble experience is necessary to play in Symphonic Band. We emphasize ensemble performance techniques during each rehearsal. Music selections will be of intermediate to advanced difficulty.

Jazz Band

For those who play at least at the intermediate level and are comfortable performing various jazz styles. Membership must be approved by the director, with consideration given to membership seniority and instrumentation needs. Instrumentation is limited to saxophone, trombone, trumpet, drum set/percussion, keyboard, bass, and guitar.

Jazz Band

For those who may be new to playing jazz music. It is required that participants have recent experience of playing their instrument for at least one year and be able to read standard music notation. Instruction and rehearsals will include playing various jazz styles, improvisation, and ensemble techniques. All brass, woodwind, keyboard, guitar, bass, and percussion instruments are welcome.

Jazz Ensemble

For those who play at least at the intermediate level and are comfortable performing various jazz styles. Membership must be approved by the director, with consideration given to membership seniority and instrumentation needs. Instrumentation is limited to saxophone, trombone, trumpet, drum set/percussion, keyboard, bass, and guitar.


Rising Stars Strings (group instruction)

For those learning to play an instrument, and those needing a refresher. Group and individual instruction will include beginning music-reading skills, tone and technique development, and ensemble performance skills. Beginners may start in fall semester only. Instruments include violin, viola, cello, string bass.

Andante Strings

For those who find themselves between the beginner and intermediate levels (beginner level too easy, string orchestra music too challenging). This group will focus on the continued development of music-reading skills, instrument technique, and tone. Music selections will be of easy to intermediate difficulty. Instruments include violin, viola, cello, string bass.

String Orchestra

For those who are able to read music comfortably, have developed an acceptable tone quality, and have learned most of the required technique to perform. No ensemble experience is necessary to play in the string orchestra. We emphasize ensemble performance techniques during each rehearsal. Music selections will be of intermediate to advanced difficulty. Instruments include violin, viola, cello, string bass. String Orchestra will perform one selection in the spring semester as a full orchestra.

Small Ensembles

Small ensembles (such as quartets, trios, etc.) are also available to play in at no extra cost. Participants must belong to at least one of the above larger ensembles. Those participating only in a small ensemble must pay tuition. Contact Linda Hartley for more information:

REHEARSAL TIMES (Thursdays only):
Temple Beth Or, 5275 Marshall Road, Kettering

Session 1: Symphonic Band, Concert Band and Rising Stars Band

9:00-10:30 a.m.

Session 2: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Band and Strings

11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Session 3: Electives

12:45 – 1:45 p.m.

Elective classes may be offered periodically during the semester, and registration will be separate. Tuition for session 3 will depend on the length of the classes plus participation numbers. In addition, this time frame may also be utilized for small ensemble rehearsals, full orchestra rehearsals, sectionals, and combined Jazz Ensemble and strings (no extra charge).


  • $100/semester to participate in only one of the following: Rising Stars Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Jazz Ensemble, Rising Stars Strings, Andante Strings, and String Orchestra
  • $150/semester to participate in any two ensembles listed above
  • $100/semester to participate ONLY in a small group
  • Cancellations received after the second rehearsal of a semester are non-refundable.

rehearsals and Concerts

Members are expected to participate in scheduled rehearsals and performances unless there are acceptable reasons not to do so. We want members to benefit from instruction and performance experiences. Planned absences are recorded in advance through our membership chair.

Other Information

    • There is no limit to the number of participants in the Rising Stars, Concert, Symphonic, or Jazz bands, Rising Stars or Andante strings, or String Orchestra. Jazz Ensemble has limited participation due to standard jazz band instrumentation.
    • Participation in small groups is available with membership in any of the above ensembles.
    • Individual lessons are encouraged. Contact Music Director Linda Hartley to arrange lessons taught by UD music education students or other area music educators.
    • Instruments may be rented or purchased from any local music dealer. We have a limited instrument loan program as well. Contact Program Director Kay Wert Minardi at for more information.
    • Participants in the Rising Stars and Concert band, the Jazz Band, and the string program will need to purchase method books.
    • All program members must purchase a concert polo shirt to be worn for performances.


To register use this link.

Or, call University of Dayton Special Programs and Continuing Education: (937) 229-2347

For more information contact:

Contact Promotions Co-Chair Anna Fricker at or (937) 239-7445.


Special Programs and Continuing Education

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 7011
Special Program and Continuing Education