Job Search Information
Job Search Information
Career Services is eager to help you with all aspects of your job search. Our career advisors can partner with you to optimize your job search strategy. Schedule an appointment to discuss any of the following:
- Graduate school selection and preparation
- Interviewing
- Job search strategy
- Networking
- Personal statements and CVs
- Researching companies and organizations
- Resumes and cover letters
- Salary negotiation
Schedule an Appointment
Handshake is an online database provided by Career Services containing the following resources:
- An employer database
- Career fair details and information on companies/organizations attending
- Job listings for entry-level and experienced full-time positions
- On-campus interview information and registration
Indeed Job Search Academy
The University of Dayton is excited to partner with Indeed as a Job Search Academy Instituition. The Job Search Academy is a free, virtual career development program brought to you by Indeed and University of Dayton to help you excel in your job search. The Academy focuses on mastering the 5 key areas of the job search so you feel confident every step of the way–because everyone deserves better work.
Check out our page on Indeed here: