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Saturday, December 07
Alumni: St. Louis
Christmas off Campus
08:30 AM - 01:00 PM

NOTE: Time listed in CT

In the Christmas on Campus spirit, the UD Alumni St. Louis Community will be volunteering at Midtown Community Service's Breakfast with Santa.

If you are able to volunteer your time, please sign up at using this link. Alumni family, friends, and children middle school aged and older are welcome to join us!

Wish List & Donations
If you would like to purchase a gift for a child or make a donation towards gifts for the children at Breakfast with Santa, you can do so here:

Questions? Email us.

Support Christmas Off Campus
Continue UD's tradition to learn, lead and serve by making a gift to support our Christmas off Campus event.

Make your gift today →

Monetary donations will be used to purchase items needed for the event.

Event Photos
Photos taken at this event may be used in promotional pieces by the University. If you would prefer not to have your photo taken, please email us.