Let's Talk Human Rights
Bringing Human Rights Home
By Vanessa Carey'19
To listen to the full interview, click here.
Inglis joined the Human Rights Center bringing 15 years of United Nations' human rights experience working on access to justice and governance dimensions of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
“I had been a global citizen for a long time and I felt that the opportunity to come back to the U.S. to be a part of the conversations. How the U.S. human rights community, and particularly the academic community, is shaping the future generation of leaders on these issues is really important at this point."
The University of Dayton places human rights and sustainability at the forefront of its work. Systemic issues like poverty, homelessness, and infant mortality facing Dayton speak to the universal applicability of the Agenda 2030.
“In the case of much of the work to address human rights violations, it is the daily work of communities, lawyers, courts, NGOs, organizations. It is a day-in day-out struggle which happens in the United States and globally in many countries everyday. So we need to bring into our consciousness and awareness the amount of people that try to do good things on a daily basis to help protect the rights of others.”
Joel Pruce offered insights into how critical local work is to human rights and how the University can maintain and further its action on human rights within the city of Dayton.
“The University, as the University for the common good, starts as close to home as possible. I think our students need to realize that human rights and questions of equity are not only questions that we can solve by going abroad to some underdeveloped country—that there are people within our community that are struggling just the same.”
To listen to the full interview, click here.
Founded in 2013, the Human Rights Center expands the University's mission to integrate theoretical and practical approaches to learning and engage others working toward the common good — locally and globally.
Learn more about the Moral Courage Project at the Human Rights Center.