Public Safety Student Police Academy Registration Opens
The Department of Public Safety plans to hold its next Student Police Academy during the Spring 2021 semester. This program provides students the opportunity to learn about the work of the department through interactive sessions held each Wednesday evening for six weeks starting January 27.
SGT Jim Huffman spearheads this popular initiative. He designs the curriculum and recruits fellow department personnel to lead the experiential learning involved in the sessions. In the upcoming sessions, students will tour the newly updated Communication Center, learn about emergency and safety related communication with campus, learn personal safety and self defense techniques, test their skills with a sim trainer, collect and process evidence from a mock crime scene, and conduct mock traffic stops.
Chief Kidd and Assistant Chief Petrocelli join the final session to have an open dialogue with the participants and present them with their certificates of completion.
Students interested in securing a seat in the upcoming academy should register as soon as possible as COVID social distancing procedures will likely impact the size of the class. To register, interested students can email the Chief's administrative assistant, Celeste Fisher, at
Students who participate in the academy will be featured in future blog posts and on our Community Engagement News and Events page.