President's Blog: From the Heart

An Easter Message of Hope
By Eric F. Spina
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,
As flowers bloom in all their glory around campus and the semester winds down, this week offers a moment to pause for renewal and a deepening of faith.
I offer Easter blessings to our campus community and peace and happiness to our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrating Passover.
During Lent, Campus Ministry challenged the campus community to “hunger for compassion,” to have “the eyes to see and the ears to hear” those in need. That’s still our challenge in a world that needs hope — and transformation.
As we look forward to the joy of Easter, we see the suffering of Jesus in our world where not all people are treated with dignity and compassion. But we also see clearly the hope of a new beginning in the Resurrection, and we understand that we have been given a new opportunity to reach out to those in need with compassion, hope and love.
During this Easter season, I hold the message of hope in my heart because every day on our campus I see reasons to hope in the way we care for each other, love each other and work to make our community better and more just.
I wish you God’s grace, the love of Mary and the hope embodied in the Resurrection.
Eric F. Spina