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Campus Ministry

Yes, Callings Can Happen Virtually

By Rachel Bell

In the face of change and uncertainty, Campus Ministry student leaders have embraced the Marianist spirit by persevering, adapting, and building up the community around them.

Those who are familiar with Fr. Chaminade know that he was a proponent of reading the “signs of the times”. It is not enough to simply react to the situations that we find ourselves in.  As members of the Marianist family, we are called to respond to our current situation in a way that responds to the needs of the community.  

This is exactly what the student leaders for Campus Ministry’s Callings Program did this summer when they were challenged to adapt the program to a virtual environment. The Callings Program, which introduces incoming first-year students to the University of Dayton, the Marianists, Campus Ministry, and vocation, typically occurs on campus in July.  This summer, the student leaders poured their energy and dedication into Callings: Virtual Edition and brought the program to life online.

They channeled the Marianist spirit by responding to the moment and providing a place for first-year students to seek connection and explore their call as new UD students. “An aspect I really appreciated about this time was the ability to foster community,” said Jordan McCormick, a student director for the program. “I realized how much I missed praying with people in a larger group, getting to know silly facts about them, and sharing stories.  Although we couldn’t do this in the ‘traditional’ sense, it was refreshing and comforting to know that we can still have a sense of community when everything around us has changed.”

As students prepare to return to campus this fall, there are many questions about what that may look like. Callings: Virtual Edition has shown not only the adaptability and resiliency of Dayton students, but also a desire for continued connection and relationships built in faith.  With so much uncertainty surrounding this semester, some may be worried about what Campus Ministry may look like. Callings has shown that things may look different this year, but the UD spirit is still present.  The relationships that were created this summer have left many excited for what Campus Ministry programs will offer this semester.  Junior and Callings student director Alex Landman voiced her excitement at what this semester will bring. “I am counting down the days until we’re back home at UD and our Callings family can meet in person and celebrate the community that we have built! I am also prayerfully expectant in the ways God is going to work in and through the Callings community and Campus Ministry this semester.”

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