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Campus Ministry

Sharing Faith Journeys

By Emma Kapp, Sophomore and PFLS Facilitator

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” This quote from one of my favorite books, To Kill A Mockingbird, speaks to me on many levels, but I think it can also be used to describe the Perspectives on Faith and Life Series (PFLS) very well.

Each PFLS event features a talk given by a UD faculty member. This person shares a little bit about his or her faith journey and gives personal examples of the ways God has shown His presence.

It’s been inspiring to hear that these faculty members, who seem so much wiser than me, have similar stumbling blocks and obstacles on their journeys of faith. For me, it’s a good reminder that this is a shared journey that we are all walking together. Hearing these stories also gives me the opportunity to think about the ways my faith is integrated into my daily life and how to keep living out my

I also really enjoy the group discussions that take place at PFLS events. Talking to fellow students about their perspectives and beliefs allows for deeper understanding and helps strengthen our community even more. The final PFLS Dinner will be held February 20 from 6:30- 8:00 in VWK Ground. The free food and fulfilling discussion are well worth your time!

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