
Mary in the News: May 27, 2021
By Michael Duricy
Marian Library and International Marian Research Institute Features
Mary Gardens for Mother's Day Recording Now Available
The recording of Mary Gardens for Mother's Day: A DIY Windowsill Display is now available. You're welcome to share this link with family and friends. Mary Gardens also make great gifts for Father's Day too!
Mary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.
New Book Focuses on Mary’s Role in Salvation History, Model for African Women (AMECEA) May 27, 2021
"I developed deep faith in praying the Rosary right from childhood without knowing its benefits or consequences; but I realized whatever I needed and asked for, I could receive," the author of a newly launched book titled, The Handmaid of the Lord: Mariology from its Doctrinal and African Perspectives shared with AMECEA Online hours after the launch on Tuesday, May 18, as he recounted the origin of his love for the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.
According to the author, Father Vincent Mrio, the book which helps to deepen understanding on the key role of the mother of Christ in salvation history, seeks to bridge the gap between 'devotion and theology'.
"I realized that some Catholics do not know the difference between devotion and adoration, most of us are devotees and we lack theology," Father Mrio, a lecturer of Dogmatic Theology at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) Eldoret Campus, said during the Tuesday interview and explained, "There is a need to harmoniously combine the two aspects knowing that theology needs devotion and vice versa; hence devotion goes down to earth to practice the faith we have learnt from theology." ...
Marian Events
Title: Annual Global Rosary Rally
Theme: Sanctification of Priests
Date: June 11, 2021
Location: Online
The Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests will take place on June 11, 2021, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This will be its twelfth year, involving more prayer locations than ever, having grown from 24 single prayer locations in June 2003 its first year to 2,600 in 2020.
Each of the participating prayer location countries prays a particular mystery of the Rosary at a specific allocated time on the day in thanksgiving to God for our priests and to implore the protection and loving care of Our Lady, Mother of all priests, for all her priestly sons. With the coming of midnight on June 11, 2021, the entire world will by then have been encircled yet again in prayer on this The Worldpriest Annual Rosary Relay Day.
It was the great Irish priest, Father Patrick Peyton, who never tired of saying that: "The Family that prays together stays together." As part of the family of the Church, you are invited to join your prayers to the prayers of millions throughout the world. It is an opportunity for us to raise our hearts to God for all priests in the exercise of their ministry; that they will be blessed, through our prayers, with God's grace for their priesthood; that in this worldwide community of prayer for them, they may experience our gratitude and support; and finally that they will persevere in unity with Christ and his Church and shepherd the Lord's flock to the safe pastures of his Kingdom.
Mary in the Catholic Press
40 Days for Life Invitation to pray to end Abortion
You are invited to help celebrate the Bicentennial of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati with the longest Marian Procession in the United States.
The 300+ mile pilgrimage will be stopping at the Kettering abortion facility on the sidewalks at 1401 E. Stroop Road on Tuesday, June 1, at 1:00.
A short program and time of prayer will be held in memory of the many children who have died because of abortion.
Parking is available on the streets. [Please do not park in the DiSalvo parking lot.]
Mary in the Secular Press
Mary Garden Contest (Museum of Family Prayer) May 24, 2021
Holy Cross Family Ministries is pleased to announce that the second annual Mary Garden Contest from The Museum of Family Prayer is officially open for entries! You have until July 26, 2021 to enter your photo so there's plenty of time to get your garden looking its best. Awards will be announced on August 15, 2021.