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Adding New IMRI Graduates

By Gloria Falcão Dodd

Two students of the International Marian Research Institute earned degrees during the University of Dayton’s virtual commencement; two others received degrees in August following the summer 2020 term, though without ceremony.

May graduates

Father Giuseppe M. Corradi, O.S.M., received his Doctorate of Sacred Theology, magna cum laude, for his dissertation, “The Historical Evolution of the Marian Ideal of the Order of the Servants of Mary, in Particular, Considering Devotion to the Sorrows and Compassion of the Mother of Christ from 1233-1987,” written under the direction of Father Johann Roten, S.M. Corradi lives at the Servite monastery at the Shrine of Holy Mary of Monte Berico in Vicenza, Italy. He is preparing his manuscript for publication.

Keith Isaac Akira Jiron received his Licentiate of Sacred Theology, summa cum laude, for his thesis, “The Immaculate Mother as Foundational Principle in Mary's Role as Efficacious Helper, Teacher, and Intercessor in the Writings of Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia (1877-1940),” directed by Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M. Jiron is the executive director and co-founder of the Evangelium Institute, providing adult faith formation in the Archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska. He is continuing his studies for the Doctorate of Sacred Theology at IMRI. He and his wife have four sons.

August graduates

Father John-Luke Stahr, C.S.J., of Princeville, IL, earned his Licentiate of Sacred Theology, magna cum laude, for his thesis, “The Blessed Virgin Mary's Contemplation of the Eucharist: A Study of Jean Gerson's ‘Collectorium Super Magnificat,’” written under the direction of Father Thomas Buffer. Stahr’s degree enriches his preaching for retreats and youth summer camps. Starting in October, Stahr will be assigned to his community's religious house in Bucharest, Romania, where he will help with preaching retreats at the Holy Family Retreat Center, run by the Brothers of Saint John. Stahr plans to augment his studies through exploration of the Marian traditions in Eastern Europe.

Father Brian Taylor received his Licentiate in Sacred Theology, summa cum laude, for his thesis, “The Marian Thought of Dom Columba Marmion, O.S.B.,” written under the direction of Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M. Taylor is a diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of New York and has a license in canon law. Taylor has begun a new position as an official at the Vatican.

— Gloria Falcão Dodd is director of academic programs at the International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio.

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