
Mary in the News: Sept. 28, 2020
By Michael Duricy
Marian Library and International Marian Research Institute Features
MSA Call For Papers
The Mariological Society of America [MSA] invites proposals for its May 11–14 2021 Conference to be held at the Marytown National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Libertyville, IL
THEME: Mary and the Word of God
In his 2010 apostolic exhortation, Verbum Domini, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged scholars "to study the relationship between Mariology and the theology of the Word," which he saw as "most beneficial both for the spiritual life and for theological and biblical studies." He went on to say that our understanding of Mary "stands at the heart of Christian truth. The incarnation of the Word cannot be conceived apart from the freedom of this young woman who by her assent decisively cooperated with the entrance of the eternal into time." (no. 27)
Among the topics that might be treated are the following:
Mary's familiarity with the Word of God
Mary as the teacher of God's Word
Mary as a prophet of God's Word: one through whom God speaks
Mary as the model and archetype of the Church's faith in God's Word
Mary and the preaching of the Word
Mary as the model of all Christians who interiorly conceive and give birth to the Word of God
Mary as the Mother of the Word Incarnate: the need for a Mother of the Word made flesh
The centrality of Mary in the written Word of God, the Bible
The spiritual sense of Scripture as needed for understanding Mary in the Bible
Marian dimensions of the Old Testament
Mary: the contemplative who ponders the Word in her heart (Lk 2:19, 51)
Mary's role in the transmission of God's Word in Tradition
The Marian profile of the Church as receptive to the Word of God
Please send abstracts by November 15, 2020 to Father Frederick Miller ( and Dr. Robert Fastiggi ( The abstract should be about 350-500 words. It should include sources and an explanation of how the proposal relates to the theme of the conference.
Mary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.
See the Film, Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton, in Theaters on October 9, 2020
Brought to you by Family Theater Productions!
Learn about the power of family prayer; be inspired by the life of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.; and see how families are strengthened by praying together. All this and more in the new film, Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton, coming to theaters October 9!
This motivating documentary shares the story of a humble Irish priest whose passion for prayer, especially the Rosary, inspired millions to pray with him and experience the benefits of family prayer.
You will be led through his life from his miraculous healing of tuberculosis to his days in Hollywood where he enlisted the stars of his day--from Bing Crosby to Jimmy Stewart to Princess Grace--to create radio dramas and TV specials that spread his famous global message, "The family that prays together stays together."
Venerable Patrick Peyton took to the road, gathering millions at a time, from North America to Europe and on to Africa and Asia, all to hear his message of family unity through prayer. Learn what more than twenty-eight-million people already know, the peace, strength, and unity that comes from family prayer.
Marian Events
Title: Congres marial annuel
Theme: S'Engager aujourd'hui avec Marie
Date: 20 Octobre, 2020
Location: Sanctuaire marial national Notre Dame du Cap au Canada
The Mariological Society of Canada (SOCAMA) will hold their annual Marian Congress at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape in Quebec, Canada on Saturday, October 20, 2020.
Mary in the Catholic Press
Archbishop Neary Celebrates Mass for Legion of Mary in Ireland (Zenit) September 28, 2020
Archbishop Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam and Custodian of the Marian Shrine, delivered the homily below at Mass on September 27, 2020, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Knock, Co Mayo, Archdiocese of Tuam. The Legion of Mary will celebrate its centenary in 2021.
"I welcome you all as we celebrate the National Pilgrimage of the Legion of Mary to Our Lady's Shrine here at Knock. I greet the President of the Legion of Mary, Mary Murphy, and the Officers of the Legion. I am delighted to be joined by the concelebrants, Father Bede McGregor, O.P., who is the Spiritual Director to the Concilium, and by Father Delcan Lohan, Spiritual Director of the Galway Curia....
Mary in the Secular Press
Fatima Licensing Available October 1, 2020 (Carmel Communications) September 25, 2020
Would you like to host a drive-in movie event with Fatima in your church parking lot? Would you like to show Fatima inside your parish or at a face-to-face conference or other event?
In order to do that, you need a special exhibition license. Licenses will be available beginning next week! Be the first to show Fatima in your community.
If you are interested, email Carmel Communications at