
In the News: April 13, 2017
By Michael Duricy
Read recent items about Mary in both Catholic and secular news. Also see International Marian Research Institute news and updates.
Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute Features
Reciprocal Conference News
One of the ways that We plan to promote this year's Annual Meeting of the Mariological Society of America is via a post on the website for The Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. In return, they have asked that we inform our readers about their Convention on Religion and the Social Sciences, scheduled for late September, 2017. For details, contact Amy Fontecchio by email at or visit their website at URL Please note that their website includes a Job Announcements section.
TOPMary in Media: Books, Films, Music, etc.
Mary's Garden Displays
We are hosting a Mary's Garden exhibit through May 10,2017. However, this was not the first such exhibit. There was a similar one in 2011. Information about the previous exhibit is immediately below. Since we are in Holy Week now, please note the Garden Way of the Cross book mentioned there.
Louise Tessier exhibited art during the Moved by the Spirit show held at The Marian Library Gallery in 2012. This exhibit moved throughout North America from 2011-2015.
An illustrated edition of The Garden Way of the Cross by Father Thomas Stanley, S.M., is now available from Novalis Publishing Inc. in Canada. These meditations on the Stations of the Cross connect scriptural verses to symbolic flowers and plants. Father Stanley's meditations first appeared in the Prayer and Meditation section of the Mary's Gardens website and can still be seen on the website were they were first published in August 1993 and revised again in July, 1996 and March, 1997. Click here to find more information or order a copy.
These simple meditations served as the inspiration for the beautifully detailed full-color illustrations by Louise Tessier, who also wrote the prayers of petition that conclude each Station. Lauretta Santarossa wrote the foreword.
N.B. In honor of Father Thomas and his 73 years as a Priest in the Society of Mary (Marianists), a portion of the proceeds from art sales were be donated to a Marian charity.
From the Marian Treasure Chest
Brother John Samaha sent us the text below.
The Easter Vigil Proclaims the Light of Christ by Brother John Samaha, S.M.
Knowing more about the Easter Vigil helps us to understand it, appreciate it, and live the Paschal Mystery on a deeper level.
From the outset the Easter Vigil, originally and more appropriately called the Paschal Vigil, has been celebrated at night. In the beginning it was a very plain ceremony–an assembly that ended with the breaking of the bread and an agape. One or more days of fasting preceded the Easter Vigil.
Later, as the Easter vigil developed in Rome and in places where the Roman rite was followed, this tradition added a baptismal rite, the ceremony of the lucernarium, blessing of the new fire, and a candlelight procession.
As it developed, the Easter Vigil became more and more meaningful and focused. From the very first the celebration took place at night like the weekly Eucharist, because most of the faithful could not assemble during the day.
The evangelists already situated the discovery of the tomb "as the first day of the week was dawning" (Mt 28:1), "very early" (Mk 16:2; Jn 20:1), "at dawn" (Lk 24:1). The thrust is that Jesus is the "light of the world" that came into the world as a "revelation to the Gentiles." (Lk 2:32)
Significance of the ceremony
In baptism the believer passes from death to life (Col 2:12). Ritually and really the neophyte, the newly baptized person, is plunged with Christ into death so as to come to new life with the one who "was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father." (Rom 6:4) For this reason baptism is called "illumination" (in Biblical Greek, photismos) and the baptized, "illuminated." Light is the dominant theme.
In our day, thanks to electricity, we can have as much light as we want whenever we want it. This was not the case in the past, when lighting the lamps in the evening was a rite. This was generally a happy occasion, when many lamps were lit as for a banquet at the beginning of the Sabbath on a Friday evening. Christians understood that this light which drives away the darkness is a symbol of the Christ-light.
The procession led by the Paschal Candle represents the journey of God's people no longer led by a bright cloud but by the glorious light that shines on every person coming into the world (Jn 1:9). This rite is most solemn in the context of the great night illuminated by the resurrected Christ. This is eloquently explained in the solemn proclamation of the Lord's resurrection that we now call the Exsultet.
Because all lights were extinguished on Holy Thursday evening, it is necessary to light a new flame in order to celebrate a liturgy at night. And so the ritual developed: the blessing of a new fire and the procession into the church led by the Paschal Candle as the celebrant intoned "Light of Christ!" and the faithful responded "Thanks be to God!"
Recession, then development
Over the centuries this celebration underwent some problems and waned in significance. As late as the thirteenth century the liturgy was still not entirely structured. Since the seventh century there had been a general decline, and this event was celebrated early in the day on Holy Saturday. When Pope St. Pius V reformed the Missal in the sixteenth century following the Council of Trent, he forbade the celebration of the Eucharist after midday. Consequently on Holy Saturday morning in churches brightened with sunlight and a barely perceptible flame on the Easter Candle, the celebrant sang, "O night truly blessed!" In addition, very few people were able to attend this long liturgy on Holy Saturday morning. This added to its diminished appreciation.
The Biblical, patristic, theological, and liturgical renewal that began to swell in the 1920s indicated the unacceptability of this condition and the impoverishment of the Easter celebration. In 1951 Pope Pius XII authorized the celebration of the Easter vigil during the evening hours of Holy Saturday, and revised the rites to foster greater congregational participation. Then in 1955 he decreed that the Easter Vigil must take place at night. In our day we follow the "Missal of Pope Paul VI" promulgated in 1969 following the Second Vatican Council.
Today the Easter vigil has four parts: 1) the blessing of the fire, procession of the Easter Candle, and the chanting of the Exsultet; 2) the Liturgy of the Word; 3) the baptismal liturgy, which includes at least the blessing of the water and the renewal of baptismal vows; 4) culminates in the Eucharistic liturgy.
This solemn celebration of the Lord's resurrection is the zenith of the liturgical year, "the solemnity of solemnities."
The challenge
While the spoken word is very important in the liturgy, we are called to be more alert to the symbolism, both in things and in actions. We are asked to approach with a receptive attitude, ready to be engaged in a way that appeals both to the mind and to the heart, to one's whole being. We are invited to look attentively on the realities present in signs that cannot be fully captured in words. This is how we are called to participate fully in the Easter Vigil.
The Easter Vigil invites us to action-to go forth and reflect the light of the resurrected Christ to the world around us.
Marian Events
Event: ESBVM USA Annual Conference
Date: July 12-15, 2017
Theme: Mary, Disciple of the Lord: Prayer and Holiness
Place: Misericordia University, 301 Lake Street, Dallas, Pennsylvania 18612
The Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary USA (ESBVM USA) will hold its annual conference July 12-15, 2017 at Misericordia University in Dallas, PA. This is an ecumenical society and all Christians from every Christian tradition are invited to attend. For more information, contact the ESBVM USA president, Dr. Maura Hearden Fehlner, at Please put "ESBVM USA Conference 2017" in the subject line.
Mary in the Catholic Press
Pope's World Youth Day Video-message: "Mary Was Not Young Couch Potato, but Moved By Faith." (Zenit) March 21, 2017
With the memory vividly in our minds of our meeting together at World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, we have set out towards the next goal that will be, God willing, Panama in 2019. These moments of encounter and conversation with you are very important to me. I want this journey to proceed in line with preparations for the next Synod of Bishops because it is dedicated to you young people.
We are accompanied on this journey by Our Mother the Virgin Mary. She encourages us with her faith, the same faith that she expressed in her song of praise. Mary said: "The Mighty One has done great things for me." (Lk 1:49) She knew how to give thanks to God who looked upon her littleness, and she recognized the great things that God was accomplishing in her life. So she set off to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was old and needed her to be close by. Mary did not stay at home because she was not a young couch potato who looks for comfort and safety where nobody can bother them. She was moved by faith because faith is at the heart of Our Mother's entire life story....
Click here to read the entire article.
Mary in the Secular Press
The director and editors of All About Mary under the auspices of the International Marian Research Institute do not necessarily endorse or agree with the events and ideas expressed in this feature. Our sole purpose is to report on items about Mary gleaned from a myriad of papers representing the secular press.
Mary's Faithful Accomplice (Alive) Spring 2017
"I couldn't ask for a better life!" exclaims Marianist Father Pat Tonry, 82. As a Marianist, he has served in provincial administration, education, parish leadership, and spiritual direction. What makes his life grand? "The people we serve--and the people with whom I live and work," he says.
He is in his tenth year as spiritual director of the Marianist Mission. The Mission, located in Dayton, Ohio, provides a conduit by which thousands of people financially support Marianist ministries and the priests, brothers, and sisters who serve them. It also serves as a "prayer center" through its Mass cards, a ministry which often inspires people to phone in to receive prayers and encouragement from the Mission staff. Father Pat is part of this team that supports the faith life of believers, many of whom have a special devotion to Mary, the Blessed Mother.
Father Pat's pastoral background and temperament are a perfect fit for the Mission. "He makes people feel welcome and comfortable," says Linda Hayes, the Mission's Director.
It also helps that he has a sense of humor. "He's funny, insightful, and approachable--plus he's a great storyteller," says Linda. "I feel very fortunate to work with him ...
Click here to read the entire article.