University Libraries
Library Lore
By Katy Kelly
The University of Dayton knows how to host a campus visit. Current students serve as excellent ambassadors who guide folks around. Roesch Library is either first or last on the campus tour; depending on which way the group launches from Albert Emanuel Hall.
Visiting the library provides prospective students and their families the opportunity to see our renovated first floor and learn about some of our services and collections alongside experiences shared by a current student. Here are some anecdotes we’ve heard and enjoyed from the campus ambassadors.
Students picked out the furniture
Students got to test out and vote on library furniture before it was purchased. Yes, we hosted a Furniture Petting Zoo and other pop-up trial events to get student feedback ahead of the 2019 renovation. This ensured that we chose a variety of chairs and tables — think height, cushion, width, etc. One of the chairs that did not fly with the students is actually a hit for patrons at the public library. Glad we asked!
The sound system
The library operates on a sound system where the higher you go, the quieter it gets. The sixth floor is completely silent (“so quiet you could hear a pin drop”; “one time I was eating an apple and I think someone glared at me”). Some students share their affinity for activity and noise in the background, sharing that the first, second or fifth floors are preferable to the silent sixth.
How much to print?
Printing costs money. True — it's one of the only services at the library that isn't free. Some tour guides talk about how they went halfsies with a roommate on a printer — but others talk about an easy and likely less expensive option: At Roesch Library, printing and copying fees are "at-cost" through UDit's Flyer Print program; four cents per black and white print and 20 cents for color. And they'll never have to buy more ink and paper.
Information Point, Book a Librarian and Write Place
This is where you can ask for help, whether it be a quick question or guidance on a research topic or paper. Librarians can work with you to find books, articles and more; you can make an appointment in advance. Write Place has digital drop-off, which means you can submit your project online for feedback from a trained student writing consultant.
Finding Mary
On the seventh floor of Roesch Library is the Marian Library, a dedicated place for researching the Blessed Virgin Mary. If the Pope were looking to research Mary, he would come here. That’s a vote of confidence right there.
Thanks, ambassadors!
Campus tours offer a lot of information about why UD stands out above the rest. Walking through Roesch Library gives a good glimpse into our dedication to students and learning. There’s much more to see; so click the link below to schedule a campus visit. Many thanks to our campus ambassadors for their hospitality toward all of UD’s special guests.
— Katy Kelly is a professor and the University Libraries’ coordinator of marketing and engagement.