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Parsing and Paring Pandemic Pedagogy: What Should Stay, What Should Go?
By Brandi Frisby
In the past year, many academic journals have sought research submissions on teaching during a pandemic or a crisis. The editorial board of the Basic Communication Course Annual seeks short essays (1,000 or fewer words) that address the long-term impacts of these educational shifts on teaching and learning in the basic communication course. Up to six essays will be selected for publication along with invited responses in the January 2022 issue’s Basic Course Forum section. Additional essays may be published in a special issue, depending on the volume and quality of responses. Submit your essay by Oct. 20. Questions to consider:
- What changes did we see in delivery, engagement, student support and assessment that benefit basic course students or faculty? Should these changes stay?
- What changes were less desirable, and how do we make sure these are not sustained moving forward?
- What changes strengthened or weakened the overall position of the basic course?
- What changes should influence the training of graduate teaching assistants for the basic course?
The goal is to make a succinct argument in response to the question. For more information, email the journal editorial staff.
— Brandi Frisby is the editor of the Basic Communication Course Annual and an associate professor in the School of Information Science at the University of Kentucky. The University of Dayton Libraries publish the journal on eCommons.