University Libraries

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Summer of Citations: Introduction to Citation Management
Librarians Bridget Garnai, Joan Plungis and Jason Wardell from the University Libraries will present a series of three 45-minute Zoom webinars June 1-3, each highlighting a free citation management software. Participants will learn how Zotero, Mendeley and EndNote can save time, improve accuracy and enhance the research and writing process. Each 30-minute demonstration will be followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session.
Summer of Citations: Introduction to Zotero
- Presenter: Bridget Garnai
- 1-1:45 p.m. Monday, June 1
- Register here:
Summer of Citations: Introduction to Mendeley
- Presenter: Joan Plungis
- 1-1:45 p.m. Tuesday, June 2
- Register here:
Summer of Citations: Introduction to EndNote
- Presenter: Jason Wardell
- 1-1:45 p.m. Wednesday, June 3
- Register here: