University Libraries
Tuesday February 25, 2020
Hearings: Seldom a Dull Moment in the Workaday World of Congress
By Scott N. West
Congressional hearings — from both the House of Representatives and the Senate — provide a glimpse into the workings of the government. They are often highly partisan but sometimes (surprisingly?) not. These hearings respond to the most immediate events confronting the United States.
Recent hearings available in the University Libraries through the Government Publishing Office and the Federal Depository Library Program address a wide range of familiar and interesting topics.
America in Space: Future Visions, Current Issues
- Hearing before the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, House of Representatives (March 13, 2019)
- Y 4.SCI 2:116-7
- Available in print and online
China’s Expanding Influence in Europe and Eurasia
- Hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives (May 9, 2019)
- Y 4.F 76/1:116-35
- Available in print and online
Confronting White Supremacy (Part 1): The Consequences of Inaction
- Hearing before the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, House of Representatives (May 15, 2019)
- Y 4.OV 2:116-23
- Available in print and online
The Cost of College: Student Centered Reforms to Bring Higher Education within Reach
- Hearing before Committee of Education and Labor, House of Representatives (March 13, 2019)
- Y 4.ED 8/1:116-9
Generation Climate: Young Leaders Urge Climate Action Now
- Hearing before the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis (April 4, 2019)
- Y 4.2:C 61/C 86
- Available in print and online
Promoting Corporate Transparency: Examining Legislative Proposals to Detect and Deter Financial Crime
- Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security, International Development and Monetary Policy of the Committee on Financial Services, House of Representatives (March 13, 2019)
- Y 4.F 49/20:116-9
- Available in print and online
Resolved: the United States Federal Government Should Substantially Reduce Direct Commercial Sales and/or Foreign Military Sales of Arms from the United States
- National Debate Topic for High Schools, 2019-2020; compiled by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress
- Y 1.1/3:116-5
- Available in print and online
Russian Disinformation Attacks on Elections: Lessons from Europe
- Hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives (July 16, 2019)
- Y 4.F 76/1:116-55
- Available in print and online
Undermining Democracy: Kremlin Tools of Malign Political Influence
- Hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives (May 21, 2019)
- Y 4.F 76/1:116-41
- Available in print and online
Veteran and Active Duty Suicides (Part 1)
- Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, House of Representatives (May 8, 2019)
- Y 4.OV 2:116-20
- Available in print and online
— Scott N. West is an information resources specialist in the University Libraries. Any resemblance of his job title’s abbreviation to that of an actual government agency is purely coincidental.