University Libraries

5 Great Features of UD’s 'New York Times' Subscription
By Maureen Schlangen and Katy Kelly
With financial support from the provost, the Student Government Association and the University Libraries, all students, faculty and staff can subscribe free of charge to The New York Times, giving them online access to all articles, editorials and opinion pieces through The Times website or an array of mobile apps.
Any member of the University of Dayton community can create an account online — on campus or off (follow the appropriate instructions). Once it’s created, users can sign in to on any device, anywhere in the world; monthly article limitations disappear, and the pay wall comes down.
Get started at Things to remember:
- You must sign up with a UD email address.
- Faculty and staff have a pass for one calendar year from the date of registration. When it expires, you must register again.
- Student passes also need to be renewed each year; they expire upon graduation.
Few news sources in the world match the journalistic quality and credentials of The New York Times, long considered a newspaper of record in the United States. In an era glutted with news aggregators and news commentary and political punditry and memes and major world events distilled to a couple hundred characters, The New York Times is a beacon of truth. With trained, on-the-ground journalists reporting from across the United States and in bureaus around the world, The Times gives a fair, accurate and thorough account of the news, all gathered using a strict code of professional ethics.
Here are 5 things University Libraries workers love about UD’s subscription:
- Content galore, with no pay wall: full (free!) access to New York Times and International New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, reviews and opinion, blogs, videos and more.
- Push alerts: for those who always want to be in the know. Download the app and stay alert of the latest news and commentary. With your account, you can access on the go using phone and tablet apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Kindle Fire.
- NYT Cooking: ideal for anyone ready to make the jump from cold cereal, ramen noodles and pasta with red sauce. It comes with a generous side of music, art, poetry and reading recommendations, too.
- TimesMachine: the complete archive of more than 150 years’ worth of “the first draft of history” as it appeared in print. The subscription also includes access to the Times' online article archive.
- The New York Times Book Review: We work in a library. Need we say more?
— Maureen Schlangen is e-scholarship and communications manager; Katy Kelly is associate professor and coordinator of marketing and engagement in the University Libraries.