University Libraries

Finals Week Block Party
“Lego” of your stress at Roesch Library with free pizza, coffee and services like therapy pet visits, chair massages, taxi rides, and more.
Roesch Library is open 24 hours beginning Sunday, Dec. 2. Starting Dec. 7, stop by room 215 at any time for a study break with Legos and coloring sheets.
- Sign-up for chair massages begins at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at the second-floor Hello desk until all slots are filled.
- Taxi ride pickup is at the library circle driveway. Vouchers for taxi rides can be picked up at the second-floor services desk in Roesch Library or at the information desk in Kennedy Union.
Sunday, Dec. 9
10 p.m. FREE pizza in the LTC (sponsored by the UD Alumni Association)
5–10 p.m. FREE chair massages in room 215 (sign-up begins at 4:30 p.m.)
Midnight–6 a.m. FREE taxi rides home
Monday, Dec. 10
1 a.m. FREE coffee and tea in the LTC
5–10 p.m. FREE chair massages in room 215 (sign-up begins at 4:30 p.m.)
4–5 p.m. Visit with Willow the therapy dog
Midnight–6 a.m. FREE taxi rides home
Tuesday, Dec. 11
1 a.m. FREE coffee and tea in the LTC
1–3 p.m. FREE tea station with reusable thermos giveaway - 2nd floor conference room (sponsored by Community Wellness Services)
5–10 p.m. FREE chair massages in room 215 (sign-up begins at 4:30 p.m.)
4–5 p.m. Visit with Rosie the therapy dog
Midnight–6 a.m. FREE taxi rides home
Wednesday, Dec. 12
5–6 p.m. Visit with Rocky the therapy bunny
1 a.m. FREE coffee and tea in the LTC
Midnight–6 a.m. FREE taxi rides home
Thursday, Dec. 13
1 a.m. FREE coffee and tea in the LTC
Good luck and best wishes on your final exams, Flyers!