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Institute for Pastoral Initiatives News

Video reflections offer hope and inspiration

By Sr. Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH, D.Min

While cleaning out my closets during the COVID-19 pandemic I discovered my pastel collection.

There is something special about working with pastels.

As I spread out the pastels and contemplated where to begin my creative work, I found myself pondering how our lives radiate the array of shades and tones of color on this palate.

I discovered a long time ago that regularly working with pastels is a contemplative, restful and inspiring way to approach life.

Each day we have a choice; an option to color our day with feelings, attitudes, dispositions, imagination and creativity.

If you were to select the color that reflects your day today, what would it be? 

St. John Paul II, in his address to artists, has a line I share with my students: “In a sense, each one of us are called to be artists. Each one is to create a masterpiece of our life.”

Now, imagine how you are coloring and creating the masterpiece of your life.

Below you will find more 60-second video reflections. Subscribe to our YouTube channel where we offer you a brief moment for freeing your load, liberating your mind and experiencing inner communion with the Divine.

Sister Angela Ann is the Director of the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives and the VLCFF online, which offers three ($40) and five ($50) week classes year round. Go to to create a profile and register.

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